Томатный экстракт ликопенового порошка 5%
Название продукта: томатный экстракт
Активные ингредиенты: ликопен
Анализ: 5%
Метод испытания :HPLC
Внешний вид: темно-красный порошок
Остатки пестицидов: соответствуют стандарту No 396/2005 (EC)
- 3. Описание
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Что такое томатный экстракт ликопенового порошка?
Ликопен является одним из видов каротеноидов, встречающихся в овощах и фруктах, таких как помидоры, гуава, арбузы, папайя и розовые грейпфруты. Ликопен порошок является сильным антиоксидантом, лучше способен собирать химически активные виды кислорода, тем самым блокируя окислительные повреждения, и наблюдательные исследования показали, что это связано с уменьшением риска сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний и некоторых видов рака.
Технология Green Spring обеспечивает томатный экстракт ликопенового порошка 5% от общего числа, сырье получается из негмо томатов сортов, с использованием CO2 сверхкритической экстракции технологии, высокой концентрации. Это повышает стабильность ликопена, извлечение комнатной температуры может уменьшить разрушение ликопена, скорость извлечения ликопена выше, и позволяет избежать остатков органических растворителей и запаха, зеленый, и без загрязнения.
А это...Томатный экстракт ликопенового порошкаВнедряет технологию впрыска микрокапсул, ликопен находится в естественном состоянии долгосрочной консервации, 3-5 лет без деградации; Кроме того, он также способен противостоять эрозии желудочной кислоты, в организме человека и не растворяется в желудке, достигать человеческого тела только растворенным в тонком кишечнике, и поглощается всем тонким кишечником, скорость поглощения почти до 100 процентов.
Основанная в 2000 году, Green Spring Technology является профессиональным поставщиком растительных экстрактов. Мы обязуемся предоставлять натуральные, безопасные и органические растительные экстракты. Вся предлагаемая нами продукция соответствует самым высоким международным промышленным стандартам, которые соответствуют стандартам ес EC396, ес 2023/915 и самым высоким стандартам на остатки растворителей. Мы имеем системную систему управления качеством и организуем наше производство в строгом соответствии с ISO, HACCP и другими стандартами качества. Мы прошли халал, кошер, космос, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO и многие другие сертификации. Мы можем предоставить авторитетные отчеты третьих сторон об испытаниях.
Технические характеристики:
Название продукта
Экстракт из томатов
Название на латинском языке
Соланум ликоперсикум л.
Источник: http://www.
Кожа из помидоров
Активные ингредиенты
1. Ликопен
3. Технические требования
Метод испытания
Внешний вид
Темно-красный порошок
Остатки пестицидов
Соответствует стандарту (ес) No 396/2005
Он соответствует правилам ес.
Хочешь услышать цитату?Benefits:
Lycopene can burst mono-linear oxygen or capture peroxyl radicals by physical and chemical means. Single-linear oxygen is a highly reactive oxygen radical with cytotoxic effects, with the cell membrane, mitochondria, and other parts the most sensitive to it, and can interact with a variety of biological macromolecules in the cell, through the molecular binding caused by the damage to the cell membrane system.
Lycopene powder can accept the energy of the different electronically excited states, absorbing light energy and through the process of single-linear - single-linear energy transfer to the energy of the single-linear oxygen to lycopene, generating basal oxygen molecules and triple-linear molecules. The energy of unilinear oxygen is transferred to lycopene, generating basal oxygen molecules and triplet lycopene molecules, which are regenerated through a series of spinning and vibrational reactions with the solvent, and in the process, the energy is dissipated.
Inhibit Prostate Disease
Male prostatitis outside the double-layer mesh structure of chemical fibers, generally difficult to have inflammation or pathogenic bacteria, but after the infection of the general medicine is difficult to see the effect, lycopene according to the body protein transported to the whole body of human organs, in the male testicles, male prostate concentration value of the largest. Lycopene can quench oxygen free radicals, and eliminate endotoxins invading the male prostate, thus reasonably preventing the male prostate from producing disease. Tomato extract lycopene powder can also adjust the semen, so that the PH value is maintained at 6-6.5, presenting a comfortable natural environment for the activities of male spermatozoa, improving the specificity of spermatozoa, and enhancing the male reproductive function.
Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
Research has proved that tomatoes or tomato products can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, in the study of acute myocardial infarction and antioxidant levels, through the myocardial infarction after tissue sections found that only lycopene in the carotenoids have a protective effect; at the same time, the plasma amount of low lycopene and the risk of developing coronary artery disease and mortality were correlated.
Lycopene powder can significantly reduce serum total cholesterol (TC), and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) content, improve lipid metabolism, and reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol LDLC) on the endothelium of the direct damaging effect, but also through the reduction of triglyceride (TG) in the arterial tissues the deposition of atherosclerosis can be delayed.
Enhancement of Immunity
Studies have found that lycopene powder can activate immune cells, protect phagocytes from their oxidative damage, promote the proliferation of T and B lymphocytes, stimulate the function of effector T-cells, promote the production of certain interleukins and inhibit the generation of inflammatory mediators, enhance the body's immunity.
Inhibition of Mutagenesis
The cell gap junction communication function is weak or absent in most tumors, and the cell gap junction communication function is reduced or inhibited after the cells transform. The inhibition or destruction of the cell gap junction communication function is considered to be an important mechanism in the pro-carcinogenic stage. Tomato extract lycopene powder may activate CX43mRNA and increase the amount of Cx- 43 protein to regulate the cell gap junction communication function and play a role in cancer prevention and anti-cancer.
Skin Protection
Lycopene can effectively inhibit and remove free radicals, preventing external radiation, and UV damage to the skin. External sunlight, ultraviolet rays, and radiation will have a greater impact on the skin, accelerating the aging of the skin, wrinkles, pigmentation, and so on. Studies have shown that tomato extract lycopene powder has a strong role in reducing oxidative damage to tissues and can form a barrier on the skin surface to protect the skin from damage.
Radiation Resistance
The functional test of lycopene shows that when exposed to strong radiation, lycopene can significantly increase the number of white blood cells in the human blood; Effectively protecting SOD in the human body; Therefore, lycopene powder can prevent UV damage to the skin and resist radiation.
In Cosmetics:
Tomato extract lycopene powder is used in sunscreens, a typical product to prevent UV burns and protect the skin, and in creams for cosmetic purposes and to slow down the aging process.GNPD data show that there are 81 new products for skin care and 51 for color cosmetics that contain lycopene. Typical products such as lycopene moisturizing lotion have whitening and anti-aging effects.
For Health Products:
Lycopene powder aids in antioxidant delayed aging, and enhancement of immunity, and can be used to assist in lowering blood pressure, treatment of hypercholesterolemia healthy food.
Henkel Company in the United States and Makhtshim Company in Japan have produced medicines with lycopene as the main active ingredient, whose main effects include lowering blood pressure, treating high blood cholesterol, high blood lipids, lowering cancer cells, etc., and which have more significant therapeutic effects. At present, there are few reports of domestic application of lycopene powder as a raw material for medicines.
In the Food Field:
In 2006, JECFA concluded that tomato extract lycopene powder could be used as a colorant and nutrient supplement. China has approved the use of lycopene as a colorant and food additive in food processing. In meat products, because of its strong antioxidant properties, it can be used as a preservative and colorant to improve the color of meat.
Томатный экстракт ликопен порошок 5% COA