Lycopene Powder Bulk 10% by HPLC

Ликопленовый порошок 10% по HPLC

Название: ликопен 

Кас-нет. :502-65-8

Анализ: 10%

Метод испытания :HPLC

Внешний вид: темно-красный порошок

Остатки пестицидов: соответствуют стандарту No 396/2005 (EC)

  • 3. Описание
  • Спецификация данных
  • Свидетельство о допущении
  • Что такое ликопен порошок навалом?

    Ликопен — это каротеноид, встречающийся в растениях и являющийся основным пигментом спелых помидоров. Она называется ликопен, потому что была впервые изолирована от помидоров. Ликопен широко встречается в красных фруктах, таких как помидоры, арбузы, грейпфруты и т.д. (за исключением вишен и клубники), и считается одним из "мощных антиоксидантов". Это натуральный пигмент, содержащийся в растениях. Встречается главным образом в спелых плодах помидоров семейства соланакиевых.


    Химическая структура ликопена имеет большое количество ненасыщенных двойных связей внутри, которые могут эффективно поглощать длинные волны и погашать однолинейный кислород, и поэтому имеет сильную антиоксидантную способность. В дополнение к его использованию в качестве пигмента в пищевой и фармацевтической продукции, ликопен порошок может улучшить сердечно-сосудистое здоровье, предотвратить окислительные повреждения и окислительный стресс, лечить систематическое воспаление предстательной железы, а также сосудистые осложнения при диабете, среди прочих функций.


    Зеленый источник обеспечивает 10 процентов ликопенового пороха ГХПЗ с использованием технологии микроинкапсуляции, высокой степенью абсорбции, отсутствием остатков пестицидов и низким остатком растворителей.


    Основанная в 2000 году, Green Spring Technology обеспечивает клиентов натуральными, безопасными и органическими растительными экстрактами. Мы прошли халал, кошер, космос, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO и многие другие сертификации. Мы строго применяем систему управления качеством и организуем производство в соответствии с ISO, HACCP и другими стандартами качества. Мы осуществляем строгий внутренний контроль качества для обеспечения соответствия международным стандартам, таким как европейская фармакопея, американская фармакопея, японская фармакопея и так далее. Мы можем предоставить авторитетные отчеты третьих сторон об испытаниях.


    Технические характеристики: 


    Название продукта

    1. Ликопен



    3. Технические требования

    10% от общего числа

    Метод испытания


    Внешний вид

    Темно-красный порошок

    Остатки пестицидов

    Соответствует стандарту (ес) No 396/2005


    Он соответствует правилам ес.

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    As early as the 1950s, American medical experts reported that lycopene has anti-cancer effects. Later, through human cell line tissue culture, animal experiments, and epidemiological investigations, it was found that lycopene powder has the effect of preventing and inhibiting malignant tumors and cancers, and has a significant effect on prostate cancer.


    Harvard Public School of Medicine Giovannucci et al. published that the intake of tomato products can reduce the incidence of prostate cancer epidemiological study proved that regular tomato eaters than infrequent tomato eaters the chance of prostate cancer by 45%. Vaishampayan et al. conducted a clinical trial on 71 prostate cancer patients who were injected with tomato extract containing 15 mg of lycopene powder twice daily for six months. The results found that prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels remained stable during and after cancer treatment, thus reducing the risk of cancer recurrence.


    Tao Zhang et al. found that the inhibitory proliferative effect of lycopene on human prostate PC-3 cells was associated with G0/G1 phase blockade and its molecular mechanism may be related to the regulation of P21WAF1 expression. However, some studies have also found that there is no protective association between lycopene and prostate cancer as previously reported, and an epidemiologic investigation by Peters et al. showed that lycopene powder is not effective in preventing prostate cancer.


    Improve Prostate Function

    Lycopene can break through the prostate absorption barrier and enter the gland directly to play a role. Lycopene powder can inhibit the proliferation of prostate epithelial cells, promote apoptosis of hyperplastic prostate tissue, inhibit the prostate from continuing to grow larger, no longer press on the bladder, and relieve symptoms such as frequent urination and urgency.


    Improve Sperm Quality

    Lycopene scavenges free radicals, protects sperm from oxidation, and improves sperm concentration and vitality.


    Reducing the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

    The results of existing studies suggest that lycopene powder supplementation has a positive effect on preventing the development of cardiovascular disease. There were 2 meta-analyses of large-scale prospective studies in 2019: one found that people with a lycopene powder intake higher than 9.81 mg per day had a 26%, 37%, and 14% lower risk of stroke, death, and cardiovascular disease, respectively. Another study found that people with a dietary lycopene powder intake of more than 15 mg per day had a 17% lower risk of cardiovascular disease compared to those with less than 3 mg per day. The above are observational studies representing only correlations, but intervention studies are also available.


    In 2020, a meta-analysis of 1 intervention study of lycopene powder supplementation showed that 4-50 mg of lycopene per day lowered LDL cholesterol levels, while another meta-analysis of 5 intervention studies in 2021 found that supplementation with 10-15 mg of lycopene powder per day in the form of tomato extract was effective at lowering systolic blood pressure, with a total of 216 people in the intervention group (and 146 people in the placebo control) having an average reduction of 5.68 mm Hg. people in the intervention group had an average reduction of 5.68 mmHg (and 146 people in the placebo control). Mechanistically, this may be due to the antioxidant effects of lycopene on biomolecules (DNA, proteins, and lipids) in the body and the modulation of inflammation-related factors.


    For Health Products:

    Lycopene has not only anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects but also the prevention of cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, and other adult diseases, enhances the human immune system, and delays aging, which are of great significance. The U.S. and Japan have successively produced medicines with lycopene powder as the main active ingredient, whose main role is to lower blood pressure, treat high cholesterol, and high blood fat, and reduce the activity of cancer cells.


    In the United States and France, there are lycopene pwoder products for the prevention of prostate cancer. In Israel and Australia, there are products for the prevention of ultraviolet burns, skin protection, and skin care, and for lycopene functional products, carotenoid complex products, which are usually capsules or liquids.


    In the Food Field:

    Lycopene powder can be added to foods and beverages such as jams, juices, dairy products, meat products, baked goods, confectionery, meal replacements, and other foods and beverages as a pigment, nutritional enhancer, and other ingredients.

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