Xylitol Powder

Xylitol порошок

Номер кас :87-99-0

Результат :99%

Метод испытания :HPLC

Внешний вид: белый кристаллический порошок

Остатки пестицидов: соответствуют стандарту No 396/2005 (EC)

  • 3. Описание
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  • Что такое Xylitol порошок?

    Xylitol (C5H12O5) — сахарный спирт, содержащий пять углерода. Это промежуточный продукт ксилозного метаболизма, с появлением белых порошкообразных кристаллов, очень растворимых в воде. Ксилитол широко встречается в фруктах, овощах, крупах, грибах и других продуктах питания, древесине, соломе, кукурузных чашках и других растениях, это натуральный, здоровый подсластитель. Его сладость очень похожа на сахарозу, но имеет преимущество низкой калорий по сравнению с сахарозой. Xylitol порошок широко используется в переработанных пищевых продуктов, зубная паста, жевательная резинка и многие другие продукты.


    Технология - зеленый цвет Spring обеспечивает высокую чистотуXylitol порошок, который имеет чистый сладкий вкус и часто сопровождается небольшим охлаждением ощущения во рту. Он используется в качестве подсластителя в пищевых добавках, а также в холодных напитках, десертах, молоке, кофе и других пищевых продуктах.


    Green Spring Technology является ведущей биотехнологической компанией в китае, которая специализируется на поставке высококачественных растительных экстрактов, питательных ингредиентов и так далее. Он был создан в 2000 году и получил множество сертификатов, таких как халал, кошер, космос, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO9001, ISO22000 и так далее. - зеленый цвет Весна имеет системную систему управления качеством и организует производство в соответствии со стандартами ISO, HACCP и другими стандартами качества. Продукция соответствует стандартам ес EC396, ес 2023/915, и самым высоким стандартам остаточного растворителя.

    Технические характеристики: 


    Название продукта

    Xylitol порошок



    3. Анализ

    Доля женщин - 99%

    Метод испытания


    Внешний вид

    Белый кристаллический порошок

    Остатки пестицидов

    Соответствует стандарту (ес) No 396/2005



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    As a diabetic sweetener, nutritional supplement, and auxiliary therapeutic agent: xylitol is the intermediate of human sugar metabolism, in the absence of insulin in the body to affect sugar metabolism, without the need for insulin to promote the xylitol can be through the cell membranes, absorbed by the tissues and used to promote the synthesis of hepatic glycogen for the cells to nutrients and energy, and will not cause blood glucose value increases, eliminating diabetic patients to take after the three more than one symptom (eat more, drink more, urinate more), it is the most suitable for diabetic patients to eat nutritional sugar substitution. Xylitol is the most suitable nutritional sugar substitute for diabetic patients.


    Stabilizes Intestinal Flora

    According to a study recently published in Microbiome (IF11.6) by a team of researchers from Zhejiang Gongshang University and others. It reveals that xylitol can enhance the mechanism of propionic acid synthesis in the colon through cross-feeding of gut microbes. Thereby allowing various types of key gut flora, to be able to keep fluctuating within a certain range, without producing too drastic changes. In this way, it contributes to maintaining the internal stability of the intestinal environment.


    Moisturizing and Water Locking

    Xylitol has a molecular formula of C5H12O5 with multiple hydroxyl groups (-OH) structure, which allows for mutual attraction between oxygen atoms and hydrogen atoms in water molecules in water, resulting in the formation of hydrogen bonds. To put it another way, there is a strong attraction between xylitol and water molecules, which optimizes water reserves and water circulation in the epidermis and dermis, promotes the formation of Natural Moisturizing Factor (NMF), promotes the synthesis of hyaluronic acid in the epidermis, optimizes the exchange of cells and the flow of water in adjacent cells, and results in a moisturized and healthy skin.


    Cooling Sensation

    The heat of dissolution of xylitol is almost 10 times greater than that of sucrose, i.e., when xylitol is dissolved, it absorbs a large amount of heat, causing the medium to produce a low temperature. Therefore, when xylitol is added to a variety of delicious foods, they will feel cool when eaten and can enhance the flavor of foods such as mint and spearmint.


    Prevention of Dental Caries

    Xylitol is a unique polyhydroxylated compound, it cannot be digested by streptococci. Therefore, xylitol will not be fermented and utilized by bacteria in the oral cavity and can inhibit the growth of streptococcus and streptococcus aerogenes, thus preventing dental caries. In addition, the refreshing sweetness of xylitol can also promote the secretion of saliva, replenish the phosphorus and calcium in the saliva, and promote the natural repair of teeth.


    Improvement of Liver Function

    Medical tests have shown that xylitol has a certain role in restoring liver function and so on, because xylitol can promote hepatic glycogen synthesis, and slow down the production of fatty acids in the plasma, so that lactic acid, pyruvic acid, glucose in the blood fall, insulin rise, hepatitis and cirrhosis patients have a very good therapeutic effect on fatty liver, hyperlipidaemia is also beneficial, xylitol is a complementary health care nutrients to protect the liver and regulate lipids.


    In the Food Field:

    Xylitol powder, as a natural sweetener with low calorific value and high sweetness, has been used in a variety of food processing. In beverages, xylitol and maltitol are used in a ratio of 1:1 to realize the soft and mellow taste of the finished beverages without adding any high sweetener, and the finished products are refreshing and pleasant. Adding xylitol to bakery products can increase the taste and flavor of bakery products. Xylitol has good sweetness stability, it can keep the sweetness for a long time during the heating process.


    In Pharmaceutical:

    Xylitol powder is an excellent pharmaceutical excipient. Xylitol granules are used as a diluent in tablets to give chewable tablets a pleasant sweet flavor as well as a cooling sensation. Xylitol solutions with a concentration of more than 65% (W/V) can be used for tablet coating. Xylitol coatings are stable, sweet tasting, hard, and durable.


    In liquid formulations, xylitol is used as an excipient in sweeteners and sugar-free formulations. When used in syrups, xylitol effectively inhibits the formation of crystals around closed corks, thereby reducing the tendency for cap-lock to occur. Therapeutically, xylitol can be used as a source of energy for intravenous fluids after trauma.

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