99% Arabinose Powder

99% арабинозного порошка

Номер кас :5328-37-0

Результат :99%

Метод испытания :HPLC

Внешний вид: белый кристаллический порошок

Остатки пестицидов: соответствуют стандарту No 396/2005 (EC)

  • 3. Описание
  • Спецификация данных
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  • Что такое арабинозе?

    Arabinose, названный в честь гум араб, является натуральным пятиуглеродным альдегидным сахаром, впервые изолированным и извлеченным из коллоидного дерева, покрытого арабисом, с помощью сложных химических и физических методов. Это левулоза, моносаксарид, который не должен быть разбит поджелудочной железы, чтобы быть поглощен телом. Это низкокалорийный подсластитель.


    Арабиноса, естественно, встречается в ядрах кукурузы, кукурузной шелухе и других растениях. Он обладает чистой и мягкой сладостью, может подвергаться меладическим и карамелизирующим реакциям, а также имеет хорошие характеристики обработки.


    Технология Green Spring поставляет Доля женщин - 99%Арабинозный порошок, который готовится методом микробной ферментации, его чистота высока, безопасна для потребления, и низкий уровень загрязнения.


    Green Spring Technology является ведущей биотехнологической компанией в китае, которая была основана в 2000 году и занимается поставками натуральных растительных экстрактов, пищевых ингредиентов, нутрицевтических ингредиентов, питательных ингредиентов и так далее. Она организует свое производство в соответствии со стандартами ISO, HACCP и другими стандартами качества, и ее продукция соответствует самым высоким международным стандартам. Зеленый источник получил множество сертификатов, таких как халал, кошер, космос, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO9001, ISO22000, и так далее. Имеются образцы и авторитетные протоколы испытаний третьих сторон.

    Технические характеристики: 


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    Г-н арабинозе



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    Внешний вид

    Белый кристаллический порошок

    Остатки пестицидов

    Соответствует стандарту (ес) No 396/2005



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    Inhibits Sugar Absorption

    L arabinose can lower blood glucose by effectively inhibiting the absorption of sucrose and disaccharide in high sugar and high fat diets. It also improves insulin resistance and protects the normal physiological function of pancreatic islet cells. The most representative physiological effect of arabinose is that it selectively inhibits the activity of sucrase and maltose disaccharidases in the small intestine and inhibits the elevation of blood glucose due to the intake of sucrose (which is broken down into glucose and fructose and absorbed under the action of sucrase in the small intestine). Japanese scientists have shown that the addition of 2% L arabinose to sucrose can inhibit the absorption of sucrose by 50%.


    Inhibits Obesity

    L arabinose blocks sucrose absorption. In the small intestine is not broken down sucrose and L arabinose are transferred to the end of the digestive tract in the intestinal bacteria, which can significantly promote intestinal fermentation, the generation of a large number of organic acids and gases, which can be a strong inhibition of lipid synthesis in the liver, ultimately resulting in a significant reduction in blood glucose, lipids and weight of adipose tissue and can accelerate the body's metabolism, but also to play a role in weight loss.


    Elimination of Toxins from the Body

    L arabinose can inhibit the absorption of sucrose, the end of the absorption of sucrose and arabinose (metabolized by intestinal microorganisms) to produce short-chain fatty acids and other organic acids, and CO2, H2, and other gases, which lead to osmolality, fermentation, and peristalsis in the intestines. After the fermentation hyperactivity, beneficial bacteria such as bifidobacteria grow rapidly, so that the body's garbage and toxins are cleared quickly, and ultimately excreted in the form of liquid or gas. Therefore, the consumption of arabinose will cause a slight sense of diarrhea and increased exhaustion and other feelings are normal phenomena. Long-term consumption of arabinose will make the body of garbage and toxins discharge clean.


    Preventing and Regulating Gout

    L arabinose promotes the proliferation and fermentation of bifidobacteria in the body. Nitrogen, another raw material needed for fermentation, is utilized in the body to produce uric acid. The fermentation process consumes a large amount of uric acid, which reduces and prevents gout.


    Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

    L arabinose is difficult to digest and absorb. It can inhibit the activity of sucrase enzyme in the human intestinal tract to reduce the absorption of sucrose, which in turn reduces the rise in blood glucose due to the intake of sucrose. Studies have shown that the addition of L-arabinose to sucrose beverages can reduce postprandial blood glucose levels and insulin levels in healthy men without adverse effects on the gastrointestinal tract.


    Regulating Intestinal Environment 

    L Arabinose has a good laxative effect, which can promote the movement of the small intestine and increase the frequency of bowel movements. The intake of L Arabinose together with sucrose can effectively increase the content of short-chain fatty acids in the cecum and regulate the composition and metabolic activity of intestinal flora, which in turn affects the metabolism of other substances.


    In the Food Field:

    L arabinose can be used as a substitute for sucrose, and its property of inhibiting the absorption of sucrose is achieved by adding it to confectionery, beverages, yogurt, milk tea, and other foods. It can alleviate health problems caused by high sucrose diets, regulate blood sugar levels, and promote human health. Arachidonic acid has stable properties, and its Meladic reaction can give food a unique flavor and color and can be used in baked goods.


    For Healthcare Products:

    In recent years, anti-sugar products with L arabinose as the main additive have been popular, which mainly utilize L arabinose to inhibit sucrase enzyme activity to reduce sucrose absorption and alleviate the glycemic burden caused by sugar intake. In addition to L arabinose, these anti-sugar tablets are also formulated with other beneficial ingredients such as white kidney bean extract, chia seeds, inulin, etc., which can reduce sugar intake, improve intestinal function.L arabinose can inhibit the absorption of sucrose and regulate the metabolism of lipids, and it can be made into functional capsules, beverages, and teas.


    In Pharmaceutical:

    L arabinose is an important synthetic pharmaceutical intermediate that can be used to synthesize cytidine, adenosine, D-ribose, L-ribose, etc. It can also be used as a pharmaceutical excipient and filler.

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