Natural Ferulic Acid Powder
Rice Bran

Натуральный порошок феруловой кислоты

Растительные источники: масло из риса

Результат :98%

Метод испытания :HPLC

  • 3. Описание
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  • Что такое феруловая кислота?

    Феруловая кислота широко распространена в естественных растениях, ее химическое название 4- гидроксидная-метаксическая группа корицевой кислоты. Феруловая кислота является своего рода ароматической кислотой, обычно существующей в растительном мире, который является компонентом Suberin. Она редко существует в свободном состоянии на растениях и в основном образует связывающее государство с олигосахаридами, полиаминами, липидами и полисахаридами. Натуральная феруловая кислота в основном поступает из экстракта рисовых отбивных. В то же время, феруловая кислота может быть получена с помощью синтетической технологии. Натуральную феруловую кислоту и синтетическую феруловую кислоту можно отличить с помощью технических средств.

    Зеленый источник обеспечивает натуральный порошок феруловой кислоты, который извлекается из масла из рисовой отрубки с высокой чистотой и простым процессом, и может быть использован в косметике, продуктах питания, медицине и других областях.

    Технические характеристики: 

    Название продукта

    Натуральная феруловая кислота - порошок.

    Название на латинском языке

    Ориза сатива л.



    Источник информации о растении

    Масло из риса

    3. Анализ

    Доля женщин - 98%

    Метод испытания


    Внешний вид

    Белый порошок,

    Остатки пестицидов

    Соответствует стандарту (ес) No 396/2005

    Правила и положения:

    Он соответствует правилам ес.

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    Antioxidant and Free Radical Scavenging

    Free radicals are by-products of normal biological and Chemical processes in cells, especially the metabolism of sugar and fat. Once free radicals are generated, they can damage the biological tissue structure, including various components inside and around the cell membrane, which can be damaged. This is commonly referred to as cell aging. Ferulic acid is an optimal antioxidant with strong antioxidant activity. It has a strong scavenging effect on hydrogen peroxide, superoxide free radicals, Hydroxyl radicals and peroxynenenebc nitroso. Ferulic acid can not only scavenge free radicals but also inhibit and scavenge free radical producing enzymes.


    Enhance Immune and Anticancer Effects

    Taiwanese scholars use Ferulic acid to study cell tissues and point out that Ferulic acid can promote the growth of human White blood cells and increase the secretion of IFN gamma interferon, which is an immune system promoting protein. This research result shows that the use of some traditional ingredients containing Ferulic acid plants as immune agents for cancer patients and infectious disease patients has provided strong support.


    Resist Fatigue

    Ferulic acid is β-As the precursor of oryzanol metabolism, oryzanol has been widely used in the general population and runners to improve the energy of sports. Its principle is that Ferulic acid neutralizes free radicals, preventing damage to the Inner mitochondrial membrane of the energy producing mechanism of cells, that is, improving the anti fatigue function.


    Prevent Calcium Loss

    According to bone metabolism research, Ferulic acid can prevent bone loss. Its mechanism of action is different from that of estrogen, which is a new calcium absorption enhancer for osteoporosis; In addition, Ferulic acid also has the function of improving women's menopausal syndrome.


    Improve Memory

    Ferulic acid has the function of restoring and improving memory for the elderly. 98 elderly patients with Degenerative disease were treated with 100mg of Ferulic acid every day. After 9 months of clinical results, the awareness of all patients was significantly improved. In addition, it is also reported that Animal testing has proved that the intake of Ferulic acid is up to 9.5mg/kg, which can reduce the risk of rats' blood sugar content.




    In the Medical Field:

    Natural Ferulic acid has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antithrombotic, anti ultraviolet radiation, anti free radicals and human immune function. In clinical practice, it is mainly used for the treatment of diseases such as coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, vasculitis, white blood cell and thrombocytopenia.


    In the Food Field:

    As Ferulic acid has antioxidant activity and an antibacterial effect, it is used as a preservative for food. As an antioxidant and function promoting substance, natural Ferulic acid can be used in sports food. As a cross-linking agent, it is gradually used in the preparation of food glue and edible packaging film; Using the antioxidant function of Ferulic acid, oligosaccharides with antioxidant activity were prepared.


    In Cosmetics:

    As an antioxidant in cosmetics, Ferulic acid can inhibit the production of free radicals, regulate endocrine, make skin anti-ultraviolet, make it delicate, shiny, and elastic, and improve skin texture. Ferulic acid can reduce the formation and precipitation of melanin by inhibiting the reaction of Chromatophore with tyrosinase and copper ions, prevent the formation of spots and freckles due to sunlight, inhibit the excessive production of free radicals, improve skin texture, regulate endocrine, and make skin fine, shiny and elastic.

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