Порошок для экстракта листьев гинкго билобы
Название продукта: гинкго билоба экстракт порошка листа
Анализ: общий ароматический гликозиды: 24.00%
Метод испытания :HPLC
Внешний вид: светло-желто-коричневый или светло-коричневый порошок
Остатки пестицидов: соответствуют стандарту No 396/2005 (EC)
- 3. Описание
- Спецификация данных
- Свидетельство о допущении
Что такое Ginkgo билоба экстракт порошка листа?
Порошок экстракта листьев гинкго-билоба-светло-коричневый цветущий порошок, извлеченный из сушеных листьев гинкго-билоба-л., растения семейства гинкго-билоба, с использованием соответствующих растворителей, активного ингредиента. Его основными компонентами являются гинкго общие флавоноиды, гинкголиды и другие вещества, с вазодилаторами, которые защищают эндотелиальную ткань кровеносных сосудов, регулирование липидов крови, защита липобелков низкой плотности, ингибирование паф (фактор тромбоактивации), ингибирование тромбоза, удаление свободных радикалов и т.д. 27 октября 2017 года всемирная организация здравоохранения, международное агентство по исследованию рака, опубликовала предварительное обобщение списка канцерогенных референций, экстракт листьев гинкго билобы включен в список канцерогенов группы 2B.
Порошок для экстракта листьев гинкго билобыПоставляется компанией Green Весенние технологии строго соблюдаются стандартами ес, и весь производственный процесс контролируется и отслеживается от сырья до готовой продукции. Испытания различных загрязняющих веществ проводятся в соответствии с самыми высокими стандартами ес, и мы можем предоставить авторитетные протоколы испытаний третьих сторон. Этот экстракт гинкго билоба порошок имеет высокое содержание, хорошую растворимость в воде, и стабильное качество, и широко используется в медицинских продуктов, продуктов питания, лекарств и других областях.
Технические характеристики:
Название продукта
Порошок для экстракта листьев гинкго билобы
Название на латинском языке
Гинкго билоба л.
Источник: http://www.
Сухие листья гинкго билоба л., растения семейства гинкго
Активные ингредиенты
Флавоновые гликозиды
3. Анализ
Общий вкус гликозиды :≥24.00%
Метод испытания
Внешний вид
Светло-коричневый или светло-коричневый порошок
Остатки пестицидов
Соответствует стандарту (ес) No 396/2005
Он соответствует правилам ес.
Хочешь услышать цитату?Benefits:
Scavenging Free Radicals
Ginkgo biloba leaf extract can directly scavenge lipid radicals, lipid peroxidation radicals alkyl radicals, etc., and terminate the chain reaction chain of free radicals. It is also involved in regulating and enhancing the activity of antioxidant enzymes such as peroxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, etc. The antioxidant effect of flavonoids in ginkgo biloba extract even exceeds that of vitamins, and it has anti-free radical attack properties in vitro.
It has been demonstrated that the addition of different concentrations of ginkgo biloba leaf extract to different reaction systems can convert free radical products such as OH to non-free radical products. Ginkgo biloba extract scavenges in a manner similar to the antiradical effect of uric acid, and it also inhibits the free radicals produced by warming doxorubicin with liver microsomes P-450 and reduces the production of the lipid peroxide malondialdehyde (MDA). Since Ginkgo biloba extract is characterized by 2 components, hydrophilic and lipophilic, its therapeutic effect is superior to that of any single component.
Ginkgo biloba leaf extract has vasodilatory and cardioprotective effects and has significant therapeutic effects on cardiac ischaemia, allergic disorders, and infectious shock. In rabbit heart ischemia-reperfusion experiments, intracoronary injection of Ginkgo biloba extract can significantly inhibit the increase of MDA in plasma and myocardial tissue. The degree of damage to myocardial cells observed by electron microscopy was also significantly less than that of the control group. It also protected plasma tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) at a higher level and reduced PAI-1, an effect that may be beneficial by regulating fibrinolytic activity.
Protection Against Cerebral Ischaemia
The protective effect of Ginkgo biloba extract on cerebral ischaemia and cerebral oedema was observed in both the carotid artery ligation model and the rat cerebral oedema model of cerebral ischaemia and cerebral oedema. By maintaining the normal respiration of intracellular mitochondria, Ginkgo biloba prevented the disturbance of ion transport in the cell membrane caused by cerebral ischemia and prevented intracellular Ca2+ overload and brain cell damage. In cerebral infarction test, Ginkgo biloba extract can reduce the scope of focal cerebral infarction and improve the neurobehavioural disorders caused by ischemia. At the same time, Ginkgo biloba leaf extracts and Bilobalide had the effects of anti-ischemia-induced neuronal cell death and reduced mitochondrial gene expression.
Protection of Neurons
Flavonoids have a free radical scavenging effect and attenuate mitochondria-mediated apoptosis due to increased free radicals. Inhibit calcium ion in-flow, reduce amino acid excitability, and protect nerve cells from damage. Promotes ATP synthesis and reduces the production of inflammatory factors, thereby reducing neuronal effects. The active ingredients flavonoids in Ginkgo biloba extract inhibit the expression of mutated genes after ischaemia and reduce apoptosis.
Platelet-activating factor-PAF is the strongest aggregation factor and induces thrombosis. Ginkgolides, an extract of Ginkgo biloba, have been shown to be specific inhibitors of PAF and effective against thrombus formation. Against the phenomena of vasoconstriction and reduced blood flow after ischaemia-reperfusion. Ginkgo biloba leaf extract significantly reduces thrombosis caused by reperfusion and changes the rheology of blood.
Animal experiments have shown that low, medium, and high doses of Ginkgo biloba leaf extract injection can significantly reduce the concentration of serum ultrasensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) in rats, suggesting that it can exert a certain inflammatory inhibitory effect. In addition, Ginkgo biloba extract injection can inhibit the stimulation of glial cells by lipopolysaccharide to a certain extent, reduce the production of tumour necrosis factor and interleukin-1b, and lower the level of inflammatory factor activity.
In Pharmaceutical:
The modern application research and development of Ginkgo biloba began in Germany, the ginkgo biloba preparation "Tibonin" was developed in 1965 by the largest German botanical medicine enterprise, Dr. Weimar Schöppe Pharmaceuticals, and for the first time, a simple extract of Ginkgo biloba was registered, and a patent was filed for EGb761 in 1972, which was used for the treatment and prevention of Alzheimer's disease (dementia), terminal vascular blockage and other diseases. In 2001, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared EGb761 to be the first choice for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, making ginkgo biloba extract a globally-recognized killer of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.
For Health Products:
Ginkgo biloba extract can enhance human immunity, improve sleep quality, relieve fatigue, and so on. In addition, it can prevent and treat Alzheimer's disease, eye diseases, and other diseases. Ginkgo biloba extract powder has been widely used in health supplements, nutritional products, and other products.
For Feed Product:
In the field of veterinary medicine and feed, ginkgo biloba preparation is a kind of all-natural green feed additive, which is also widely used in livestock disease control. Ginkgo biloba extract has an immunomodulatory function, which can improve the anti-oxidative stress ability of livestock, and livestock away from the inhibition of pathogenic microorganisms, prevention of tumors, and no toxic side effects. In addition, Ginkgo biloba extract powder can improve the growth performance of broiler chickens, promote growth, and improve the feed conversion rate.
Гинкго билоба экстракт порошкового оптом COA