Alpha GPC Powder 99%

Альфа GPC порошок 99%

Название продукта: альфа GPC порошок 99%

Анализ: 99,0%

Метод испытания: усталость

Внешний вид: белый кристаллический порошок

Остатки пестицидов: соответствуют стандарту No 396/2005 (EC)

  • 3. Описание
  • Спецификация данных
  • Свидетельство о допущении
  • Что такое альфа GPC порошок?

    L-a- глицерилфосфоролин (ГПК) также известен как глицерофосфоролин. Это водорастворимый фосфолипидный прекурсор и нейропередатчик, естественно встречающийся в организме человека. Это продукт полного гидролиза фосфатидилхолина, двух жирных кислотных групп на молекуле лецитина. Это также уникальный цитозащитный агент, который поддерживает текучесть и целостность клеточных мембран.


    Годы экспериментальных исследований и клинического применения показали, что альфа GPC не только улучшает качество жизни людей#39;s память и когнитивные способности, но также оказывает значительное лечебное воздействие на снижение циркуляции головного мозга и альцгеймера 's болезнь, так что она известна как мозговой 's антистареющие питательные вещества. Кроме того, он также может противостоять мышечной атрофии, защитить кровеносные сосуды и другие эффекты. Альфа GPC порошок в качестве сырья, имеет важное значение в здравоохранении и фармацевтической промышленности.


    Поставки < < грин спринг > >Альфа GPC порошок Доля женщин - 99%, без остатка растворителя и без остатков пестицидов. «Зеленая весна» имеет системную систему управления качеством, строго внедряет систему управления качеством и организует производство в соответствии со стандартами ISO, HACCP и другими стандартами качества. Мы осуществляем строгий внутренний контроль качества для обеспечения соблюдения стандартов качества. Каждый этап производственного процесса контролируется и проверяется на предмет соответствия производственного процесса требованиям соответствующих стран. Тестирование готовой продукции проводится на каждом продукте для обеспечения его соответствия высоким стандартам европейского союза, США, юго-восточной азии и других рынков.

    Технические характеристики:


    Название продукта

    Альфа GPC порошок 99%



    3. Анализ


    Метод испытания

    3. Усталость

    Внешний вид

    Белый кристаллический порошок

    Остатки пестицидов

    Соответствует стандарту (ес) No 396/2005

    Правила и положения:

    Он соответствует правилам ес.

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    Improving Memory Disorders

    Alpha GPC powder is used to improve memory, learning, and thinking skills. It does this by increasing acetylcholine in the brain, a chemical that plays an important role in memory and learning functions. Researchers note that alpha GPC is expected to improve cognitive symptoms associated with Alzheimer's disease and dementia.


    A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial published in Clinical Therapeutics in 2003 evaluated the efficacy and tolerability of alpha GPC in the treatment of cognitive impairment caused by mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. Patients received either 400 mg a-GPC capsules or placebo capsules three times daily for 180 days. All patients were evaluated at the beginning of the trial, after 90 days of treatment, and at the end of the trial after 180 days.


    In the alpha GPC group, all assessed parameters, including the cognitive and behavioral Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale and the Brief Mental Status Examination, continued to improve after 90 and 180 days of treatment, while they remained unchanged or worsened in the placebo group. The researchers concluded that a-GPC is clinically useful and well tolerated in the treatment of cognitive symptoms of dementia and has potential as a natural treatment for Alzheimer's disease.


    Promotes Learning and Concentration

    Studies have shown that alpha GPC may also improve focus, memory, and learning in young healthy adults. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a cohort study involving participants without dementia that found higher alpha GPC powder 99%  intake was associated with better cognitive performance. The cognitive domains assessed included verbal memory, visual memory, language learning, and executive function.


    A study published in the Journal of the International Sports Nutrition Society found that when young people use alpha GPC powder supplements, it is beneficial for certain physical and psychological performance tasks. Compared to those who received 200 milligrams of caffeine, those who received 400 milligrams of a GPC scored 18% faster on a continuous subtraction test. In addition, compared to the alpha GPC group, the group consuming caffeine scored significantly higher in terms of neuroticism.


    Improves Athletic Performance

    Research has shown that alpha GPC increases human growth hormone, which plays a role in cell regeneration, growth, and maintenance of healthy body tissues. Growth hormone is known for its ability to enhance physical ability and athletic performance. Numerous studies have been conducted to evaluate the effects of alpha GPC on physical endurance and strength.


    A 2008 randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover study involving seven men with resistance training experience showed that alpha GPC does affect growth hormone levels. Participants in the experimental group were given 600 milligrams of alpha GPC 90 minutes before the resistance exercise. researchers found that peak growth hormone levels increased 44-fold with alpha GPC compared to baseline, and 2.6-fold with a placebo. Alpha GPC powder 99% use also increased physical strength, with a 14 percent increase in peak bench-press strength compared to a placebo. In addition to increasing muscle strength and stamina, growth hormone may promote weight loss, strengthen bones, improve mood, and improve sleep quality.


    Improving Stroke Recovery

    Early research suggests that alpha GPC may be beneficial to patients who have suffered a stroke or transient ischaemic attack (known as a 'mini-stroke'). This is due to alpha GPC's ability to act as a neuroprotectant and support neuroplasticity through the nerve growth factor receptor. In a 1994 study, Italian researchers found that alpha GPC powder 99% improved cognitive recovery in patients who had an acute stroke or mini-stroke. After a stroke, patients received 1,000 mg of alpha GPC by injection for 28 days and then 400 mg orally three times a day for the next five months. At the end of the trial, the researchers reported that 71% of the patients showed no cognitive decline or amnesia. Additionally, the percentage of adverse events following the use of alpha GPC was low, and the researchers confirmed the excellent tolerability of alpha GPC.


    May Benefit People with Epilepsy

    An animal study published in Brain Research in 2017 aimed to assess the effects of alpha GPC treatment on cognitive impairment following seizures. The researchers found that when rats were injected with alpha GPC three weeks after an induced seizure, the compound improved cognitive function and increased neurogenesis, the growth of nerve tissue. This study suggests that alpha GPC may be useful for people with epilepsy because it is neuroprotective and could potentially ameliorate epilepsy-induced cognitive deficits and neuronal damage.



    For Health Products:

    Alpha GPC can improve memory and cognitive performance. It can also be used to improve physical endurance and performance. Alpha GPC powder 99% is commonly used in nutraceuticals as a supplement ingredient.

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