Gamma Aminobutyric Acid GABA Powder

Гамма аминобутиновая кислота габа порошок 99%

Кас-нет. :56-12-2

Результат :99%

Метод испытания :HPLC

Внешний вид: белые кристаллы или кристаллический порошок

Остатки пестицидов: соответствуют стандарту No 396/2005 (EC)

  • 3. Описание
  • Спецификация данных
  • Свидетельство о допущении
  • Что такое гамма аминобутиновая кислота габа порошок?

    Гамма-аминобутирическая кислота (габа) является естественным активным ингредиентом, который широко распространен среди растений и животных. Это важный ингибиторный нейропередатчик, впервые полученный в 1950 году из мозга млекопитающих. У животных габа встречается почти исключительно в нервной ткани. Врачи показали, что габа является ингибиторным передатчиком в центральной нервной системе и одним из важнейших нейропередатчиков в ткани головного мозга. Его роль заключается в снижении нейрональной активности и предотвращении перегрева нервных клеток, габа связывает и активизирует анксиолитические рецепторы головного мозга, которые затем действуют совместно со многими другими веществами, чтобы предотвратить тревожные сообщения от достижения мозговой ' с центров обучения.


    Технология Green Spring обеспечивает гамма аминобутирическую кислоту габа порошок Доля женщин - 99% производится методом микробной ферментации, высокой чистоты, без загрязнения, с ферментированным ароматом, стабильным и надежным составом. Его растворители, тяжелые металлы и пестицидные остатки соответствуют стандарту ес.


    Основанная в 2000 году, Greenspring Technology является ведущей биотехнологической компанией в китае, занимающейся исследованиями, разработками и поставками высококачественных растительных экстрактов. Мы осуществляем строгий внутренний контроль качества и организуем наше производство в соответствии со стандартами ISO, HACCP и другими стандартами качества. Компания Greenspring получила множество сертификатов, таких как Halal, Kosher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO и т.д. Имеются авторитетные протоколы испытаний третьих сторон.

    Технические характеристики: 

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    Гамма аминобутиновая кислота габа порошок



    3. Анализ


    Метод испытания


    Внешний вид

    Белые кристаллы или кристаллический порошок

    Остатки пестицидов

    Соответствует стандарту (ес) No 396/2005


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    Regulation of Blood Pressure

    GABA, as an important inhibitory transmitter in the brain, has an important role in regulating cardiovascular activity in mammals. In a large number of animal experiments, GABA can reduce blood pressure and have a bradycardia effect, GABA can effectively promote vasodilatation, increase blood flow, increase the supply of oxygen, and promote metabolism, to reduce blood pressure. Hypertensive patients often have reduced renal function, and GABA has a renal function activation effect. Due to the activation of the diuretic effect, it can prompt the excess salt to be excreted from the urine, so that the blood pressure can be lowered.


    Cough Suppression

    In addition to its role as a transmitter, GABA acts as a modulator of autonomic nervous system function and, in non-neural tissues, as a hormone or trophic factor. More and more studies have shown that GABA has an important role in the respiratory system. It is a modulator of cholinergic parasympathetic nerves and tachykinin-containing sensory nerves and is involved in the regulation of allergic responses in the airway, and can inhibit nerve-induced cholinergic and tachykinin-mediated contraction of airway smooth muscle, microvascular leakage, and other problems, with a strong analgesic effect.


    Improvement of Sleep

    GABA synthetic neurons are distributed in the nuclei of the brainstem and mesencephalon and projection neurons and play an inhibitory role in cerebral cortical projections. Li Shaodan et al. explored the changes in neurotransmitter activity in the brain of people with subfertile insomnia and concluded that subfertile insomnia is mainly due to abnormal GABA and Glu activity. Noriko Horie et al. showed that the GABA ingestion group fell asleep more easily and had a higher degree of sleepiness compared to the control group.


    Effects on Reproduction

    Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) can participate in the regulation of anterior pituitary hormone secretion at the level of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, thus indirectly affecting the function of ovaries and fallopian tubes in the female population.GABA also exists in gonads and epigynous organs of the male population and has a close relationship with spermatozoa motility and steroid hormone production. The presence of GABA receptors on the surface of sperm membranes suggests that GABA has a relationship with sperm function.GABA induces acrosome reaction (AR) in human fertile spermatozoa, which increases significantly with the process of spermatogenesis, and there is a clear quantitative relationship between GABA and spermatozoa. Some studies have suggested that to improve the success rate of artificial insemination, it is necessary to obtain high-quality spermatozoa in vitro, and GABA can be used as an additive component.


    Promote Growth Hormone Secretion

    Growth hormone is one of the important hormones that stimulate height growth, and γ-aminobutyric acid is an important inhibitory neurotransmitter that promotes the release of growth hormone from the pituitary gland, which can, to a certain extent, play a role in promoting height growth in children who have an abnormal pituitary gland function and an abnormal secretion of growth hormone that leads to a shorter stature.


    In the Food Field:

    With in-depth research, the physiological functions of GABA have been continuously elucidated, and it has been developed into a new type of functional factor, which has been widely used in the pharmaceutical, food and health care, and agricultural industries. Currently, the food safety of GABA has been widely recognized by countries including the United States and Japan. China approved γ-aminobutyric acid as a new resource food in 2009 (Ministry of Health Announcement No. 12 of 2009), and it can be added to a variety of foods such as beverages and cocoa products.


    For Health Products:

    In the United States, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is used as a drug and approved by the FDA as a recognized safe food. As a dietary supplement, it is usually marketed in capsules and oral tablets. Some companies also produce functional foods containing GABA, which are claimed to improve women's sleep and are superior to melatonin-containing foods. It has been reported that gamma-aminobutyric acid has recently been approved by the United States FDA to be included as one of the complementary medications to improve migraine headaches in people.


    In the Agriculture Field:

    Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) has been gradually applied to regulate plant growth, especially under adverse conditions. In plants, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) assumes the dual roles of metabolic substance and signaling substance and is involved in pH regulation, energy substance regulation of C/N balance, and defense system regulation in plants.GABA improves plant resistance under adversity and can promote reproductive growth and nutrient growth in plants.

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