80% Stachyose Powder

80% стахиоза порошка

Номер кас :10094-58-3

Результат :80%

Метод испытания :HPLC

Внешний вид: белый мелкий порошок

Остатки пестицидов: соответствуют стандарту No 396/2005 (EC)

  • 3. Описание
  • Спецификация данных
  • Свидетельство о допущении
  • Что такое стахиоза порошок?

    Стахиос (Stachyose) Является естественным тетрасаксаридом, который представляет собой сахар, образовавшийся, когда глюкозиловая сторона сукроза связывает два альфа-галактозы с 1,6- гликозидной связью. Его структура-галактоза-галактоза-глюкоза-фруктоза, и он значительно способствует распространению бифидобактерий. Чистый продукт представляет собой белый порошок со слегка сладким вкусом, сладость 22% sucrose, чистый вкус, без какого-либо плохого вкуса или запаха, и легко растворяется в воде. Он может улучшить запоры, предотвратить кариез зубов, защитить печень, способствовать абсорбции питательных веществ, и является функциональным олигосахаридом, который может способствовать добавленной стоимости полезных бактерий.


    Технология Green Spring обеспечивает 80% от общего числа стахиозу порошка, который имеет немного сладкий вкус и чистый сладкий аромат. Он имеет хорошую теплостойкость и не разлагается при 100 градусов, но теплостойкость снижается при кислотных условиях, так что он может быть использован в пищевых продуктах, которые должны быть обработаны горячим прессованием.


    Основан в 2000 году Является ведущей биотехнологической компанией в китае. Она специализируется на натуральных, безопасных и органических растительных экстрактах, и ее продукты производятся в соответствии с самыми высокими международными отраслевыми стандартами, соответствующими стандартам ес EC396, ес 2023/915 и самым высоким стандартам остаточного растворителя. Зеленый источник (Green Spring) Получил халальные, кошерные, космические, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO и многие другие сертификаты. Имея 7 сертификатов и 7 патентов, наша продукция продается в более чем 62 странах мира, обслуживая более 2450 клиентов и хорошо принята.

    Технические характеристики: 


    Название продукта

    Стахиозный порошок



    3. Анализ


    Метод испытания


    Внешний вид

    Белый мелкий порошок

    Остатки пестицидов

    Соответствует стандарту (ес) No 396/2005


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    Regulate Intestinal Microecology

    Due to the lack of α-D-galactosidase in the digestive tract, after ingested by the human body, Stachyose can reach the colon directly without digestion and absorption and can be utilized by intestinal probiotics such as Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus, which can rapidly proliferate to form a dominant position in the digestive tract and improve the micro-ecology of the intestinal tract. In addition, Stachyose can significantly improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract through the dual action of prebiotics and soluble dietary fiber. After being hydrolyzed by bifidobacteria into acetic acid and lactic acid, it can make the pH in the intestinal tract decrease, inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria in the intestinal tract, and balance the micro-ecology of the intestinal tract.


    Lowering Blood Lipids

    Studies have reported that a decrease in beneficial intestinal bacteria will increase cholesterol synthesis and absorption. Stachyose reduces cholesterol synthesis and absorption by increasing beneficial bacteria and decreasing harmful bacteria. Animal experiments have shown that Bifidobacterium bifidum can directly affect the activity of β-hydroxy-β-methylglutaryl CoA reductase, inhibit cholesterol synthesis, and reduce serum cholesterol levels. In addition, Lactobacillus absorbs cholesterol and inhibits the absorption of cholesterol in the small intestine wall.


    Improvement of Immunity

    Due to the structure of α-1,6-galactose in the molecule of Stachyose, based on the molecular mechanism of sympathetic response of the coordinating base receiver, it participates in the biological process of immunity, adsorption between pathogens and cells, which makes Stachyose have the functions of preventing pathogen infection, neutralizing toxins and regulating the immune system. The humoral immune function and monocyte macrophage function of mice were determined by gavage with fructose (0.2 mL per 10 g body weight) once a day for 30 days. In addition, under the action of Bifidobacterium bifidum, Stachyose can decompose and produce multiple immune function factors to enhance human immunity, which has the function of enhancing human immunity.


    Prevents Constipation

    Stachyose can promote intestinal peristalsis through the value-added beneficial bacteria, preventing constipation: lactic acid, acetic acid and other organic acids can promote intestinal peristalsis, preventing constipation. Stachyose can regulate the balance of bacterial flora, and prevent and treat diarrhoea: the intestinal bacterial flora imbalance will cause bacterial diarrhoea; and through the proliferation of beneficial bacteria by Stachyose, the bacterial flora to maintain a normal balance can prevent diarrhoea, even if the diarrhoea has already been in the increase of bifidobacteria, it can be effective in treating diarrhoea.


    Lead Discharge

    The metabolite of stachyose, L-lactic acid, can combine with calcium to increase its solubility, promote calcium absorption, and reduce lead absorption. At the same time, it can also promote the synthesis of B vitamins and greatly reduce the absorption of lead in the intestine. In 2003, the Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention conducted a human trial experiment to promote lead excretion using an oral liquid containing stachyose as the main ingredient.


    After one month of trial feeding, the blood lead of the trial group decreased by 55.0 μ g/L compared to before and after, with a statistical difference (P<0.001), while the blood lead of the control group did not significantly decrease. Further research found that the urine lead excretion in the experimental group increased by 12.8 μ g/L, 13.5 μ g/L, and 10.5 μ g/L after 10, 20, and 30 days of feeding, respectively. However, there was no significant increase in urine lead in the control group at the same time point, indicating that stachyose has a lead excretion effect.


    In the Food Field:

    With the characteristics of low sugar and low energy, Stachyose powder is an ideal raw material to replace sucrose and can be added to ice cream and candy. Adding stachyose powder to milk powder and food for infants and pregnant women is beneficial to the intestinal health and nutrient absorption of pregnant women and infants. Stachyose powder is used in milk powder and dairy products to increase the taste and eliminate the problem of lactose intolerance. It also increases the advantage of probiotic flora and inhibits harmful flora, which promotes the production and effective absorption of nutrients.


    For Healthcare Products:

    In 1991, the US Food and Drug Administration FDA recognized stachyose as a safe food, and NASA selected stachyose as a daily essential food. The National Health Handbook issued by Germany lists the health benefits of stachyose among them and advocates for people to consume it. In 1993, the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare approved foods containing stachyose as "specific health foods.". In 2001, stachyose became a national key scientific and technological achievement and a national torch program project in China; Afterwards, the main functional beverage for astronauts of the Shenzhou series spacecraft was selected to adjust their intestinal disorders under space conditions and maintain the balance of gastrointestinal microbiota.


    For Feed Product:

    Stachyose improves the microecological environment in animal intestines, enhances disease resistance, and increases feed utilization and weight gain. Compared with commonly used veterinary health products, the addition of stachyose powder reduces the excessive use of antibiotics in animals, ensuring the safety of meat products. Adding stachyose powder to weaned piglets can significantly improve their intestinal discomfort symptoms after weaning, prevent the occurrence of slow growth and underdevelopment, and increase survival rates and slaughter rates. 

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