Sophora Japonica Bud
Rutin Powder

Sophora Japonica Extract Rutin Powder

Название продукта: Sophora Japonica Extract Rutin Powder

Анализ: рутин :95%

Метод испытания: уф

Appearance:Yellow or Greenish-Yellow Powder

Остатки пестицидов: соответствуют стандарту No 396/2005 (EC)

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  • Что такое Sophora Japonica экстракт порошка рутина?

    Рутин, также известный как рутиносайд, витамин р и фиолетовый кверцетин. Широко распространена в растительном царстве и встречается в высоких уровнях в сопоре японика и гречневых листьях. Рутин-биофлавоноид, и, как и другие флавоноиды, обладает такими же мощными антиоксидантными и противовоспалительными свойствами. - рутин. has a constricting effect on capillaries and has been used as a haemostatic agent since ancient times, in addition to being effective in the prevention of heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, and other lifestyle diseases. In addition, rutin is also effective in promoting the absorption of vitamin C and preventing skin aging. Помимо применения в фармацевтической промышленности, он также широко используется в пищевых добавках, антиоксидантах, косметическом сырье и других областях.


    Поставки технологий "зеленый источник" Sophora Japonica 1. Выписка rutin powder, raw material selection of high-quality Sophora Japonica Почки, нет вредных растворителей в процессе экстракции, производственный процесс безопасен, продукт рутин порошковое содержание высокое, тонкий порошок, стабильное качество. Технология Green Spring с отличным контролем качества добычи, от сырья до продукции, компании'. Производство всего процесса может контролироваться и отслеживаться, при этом различные загрязнители выявляются в соответствии с глобальными стандартами.

    Технические характеристики: 

    Название продукта

    Sophora Japonica Extract Rutin Powder

    Название на латинском языке

    Софора джапоника л.



    Источник: http://www.

    Dried Flowers and Buds of Sophora Japonica L., a Leguminous Plant

    Активные ингредиенты


    3. Анализ

    Рутин :95%

    Метод испытания

    Уф-излучения (UV)

    Внешний вид

    Yellow or Greenish-Yellow Powder

    Остатки пестицидов

    Соответствует стандарту (ес) No 396/2005


    Он соответствует правилам ес.

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    Scavenging Free Radicals, Antioxidant

    Numerous studies have shown that rutin has free radical scavenging and antioxidant properties. The anti-free radical activities of rutin, quercetin, and isoquercetin were studied, and the results showed that all three compounds had powerful free radical scavenging effects, with rutin having the strongest antioxidant properties. The study showed that rutin in the aqueous extract of Sophora japonica rice has the function of scavenging superoxide anion, scavenging oxygen anion, antioxidant, and protecting mitochondria, and it can enhance the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) of the organism, anti-lipid oxidation, and promote the scavenging of free radicals.


    Protection of Gastric Mucosa

    Rutin inhibits cryo-binding stress and acid-induced gastric mucosal damage and raises H2 receptors. The protective effect of rutin on gastric mucosa is related to the promotion of synthesis or release of endogenous NO from gastric mucosal cells. Pepsin was treated with different concentrations of rutin and the UV absorption was measured, and it was found that the UV absorption of gastrin was blue-shifted. The spatial structure of pepsin was changed after binding to rutin, and it could form a stable complex, thus affecting the biological function of pepsin and protecting the gastric mucosal cells.



    Rutin can promote the development of immune organs thymus and spleen in female adolescent rats and lactating rats. Rutin can reduce vascular permeability, increase elasticity, and inhibit capillary dilatation, thus playing the role of removing red blood; rutin also has the function of anti-radiation and absorption of X-rays, so that the skin is red, smooth, anti-wrinkles, and play a role in delaying aging.


    Reduce Blood Sugar

    Rutin can activate the neurotransmitter U2 receptor, a subtype of neurotransmitter discovered in 2000. Activation of the neurotransmitter U2 receptor can regulate diet, enhance insulin sensitivity, and lower blood sugar. The study found that rutin can significantly improve the blood sugar level of diabetes nephropathy model rats, and has a good protective effect on diabetes nephropathy rats. Rutin can improve the diabetic nephropathy of alloxan rats, which may be related to the inhibition of aldose reductase and free radical oxygen. Rutin has a protective effect on early liver injury in diabetes rats. These studies show that rutin not only has the effect of reducing blood sugar but also plays a protective role in liver and kidney damage caused by diabetes.



    Studies have shown the inhibitory effect of rutin on influenza A virus, using influenza A1 virus-infected mice, administered by gavage with rutin, and using the lung index and lung index inhibition rate as an indicator, it was found that rutin has a significant inhibitory effect on influenza A virus. Rutin can change the permeability of the inner and outer cell membranes of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, and the cell membranes are damaged, thus playing an inhibitory role.


    In the Food Field:

    In the field of food and beverage, rutin can be used as a natural food color (like lemon yellow), a nutritional supplement, which is mainly used in cold drinks, beverages, pastries, processed meat products, processed aquatic products, and so on.


    For Health Products:

    Rutin, as a flavonoid compound with anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antioxidant properties, has been used in health supplements. A number of rutin health food products have been developed in overseas markets.


    In Pharmaceutical:

    In the field of medicine, rutin has anti-inflammatory and anti-viral effects and can maintain the function of blood vessels, maintain the normal elasticity of capillaries, and prevent and control cerebral haemorrhage, retinal haemorrhage, haemorrhagic purpura and other diseases.

  • Софора джапоника извлекает порошок рутина

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