Reduced Coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinol ) Powder

Восстановленный коэнзим Q10 (Ubiquinol) порошковая кас 992-78-9

Номер кас :992-78-9

Анализ: 85,0%

Метод испытания :HPLC

Внешний вид: от желтого до желтого порошка

Остатки пестицидов: соответствуют стандарту No 396/2005 (EC)

  • 3. Описание
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  • Что такое пониженный коэнзим Q10 (Ubiquinol) порошок?

    Сокращенный коэнзим Q10 (CoQ10H2)-пониженное состояние коэнзима Q10. В организме человека коэнзим Q10 может передавать электроны от таких рецепторов, как NADH и FADH2, к кислороду в многоступенчатой реакции, которая приводит к образованию ATP и сопутствующему сокращению коэнзима Q10.


    Основной особенностью снижения коэнзима Q10 является его крайняя антиоксидантная способность. Он может защитить биомолекулы в клетках от окислительных повреждений, удерживая свободные радикалы и подавляя окислительный стресс. Кроме того, сокращенный коэнзим Q10 может повысить пропускную способность электронов митохондриальной дыхательной цепи, что может способствовать производству атф, повышая тем самым жизнеспособность клеток. На сегодняшний день клинические испытания показали, что сокращенный коэнзим Q10 легче всасывается организмом, чем окисленный коэнзим Q10.


    Технология Green Spring обеспечивает фармацевтический класс 80% от общего числасокращенный коэнзим Q10 (Ubiquinol) порошок CAS 992-78-9, он имеет отличную стабильность, хорошую растворимость и абсорбцию.


    При 25°C/60% RH на открытом воздухе при 25°C/60% RH в течение 4 недель, содержание сокращенного coenzyme Q10 на рынке сократилось на 6%, в то время как зеленый источник сократил coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinol) содержание порошка сократилось на only2%. Он обеспечивает лучшую стабильность. Она демонстрирует явно повышенную растворимость (38,3 раза в имитированной желудочной жидкости и 12,6 раза в имитированной кишечной жидкости). Он увеличивает абсорбцию (4,5 раза в аук и 2-4 раза в Cmax) по сравнению с нормальным коэнзимом Q10.


    Основан в 2000 году Технология Spring предназначена для обеспечения наших клиентов натуральными, безопасными и органическими растительными экстрактами. Вся предлагаемая нами продукция производится в соответствии с самыми высокими международными отраслевыми стандартами, соответствующими стандартам ес EC396, ес 2023/915 и самым высоким стандартам остаточного растворителя. У нас есть отличная команда разработчиков, опытная команда производства и может настроить различные стандартные экстракты. Она сертифицирована Halal, Kosher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO и многими другими.

    Технические характеристики: 

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    Coenzyme Q10(ubiquinol)



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    От желтого до желтого порошка

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    Соответствует стандарту (ес) No 396/2005


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    Scavenging Free Radicals

    Coenzyme Q10 exists in both reduced and oxidized states, with reduced coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinol) being easily oxidized, preventing lipid and protein peroxidation, scavenging free radicals, and reducing oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a negative effect produced in the body by free radicals and is a major contributor to aging and disease. Coenzyme Q10 is a potent antioxidant and free radical scavenger that slows the harmful effects of oxidative stress.


    Coenzyme Q10 can improve the bioavailability of the skin, condition the skin, increase the concentration of keratinized cells, improve the antioxidant capacity of skin cells, and inhibit skin aging to achieve a therapeutic effect on skin diseases such as dermatitis, acne, bedsores, skin ulcers and so on. Coenzyme Q10 also promotes epithelial cell generation and granulation tissue benignization, prevents scar formation, and promotes scar repair. Inhibits the activity of phosphotyrosine, preventing melanin as well as dark spot production. Reduces the depth of wrinkles and improves skin dullness. Increases the concentration of hyaluronic acid and improves the water content of the skin. It is effective in improving dull skin tone, reducing wrinkles, and restoring skin's original smoothness, elasticity, and moisturizing properties.


    Enhancement of Human Immunity

    As early as 1970, some studies reported that the administration of coenzyme Q10 to rats could increase the vitality of immune cells to kill bacteria, and increase the antibody response, stimulate the increase of immunoglobulin and the number of antibodies.


    Nikbakht et al. investigated that the number of neutral leukocytes in the blood plasma of male athletes was significantly reduced when they were administered with coenzyme Q10 after successive competitions, and thus concluded that coenzyme Q10 was beneficial to the protection of the immune system of athletes and strengthened the immunity of the body. This suggests that coenzyme Q10 can help to protect the immune system of athletes and enhance the immunity of the body. For normal people, oral coenzyme Q10 can improve fatigue and enhance the vitality of the body after overexertion.


    Recent studies have shown that coenzyme Q10, as a non-specific immune enhancer, can play a better role in improving the body's immunity and anti-tumor, etc., and has a certain degree of clinical efficacy in advanced metastatic cancer.


    Enhance Cardiac Motility

    Coenzyme Q10 is one of the most important substances in the human body, and its content in the heart muscle is very high. When it is deficient, it will cause insufficient function of the heart, resulting in poor blood circulation and reduced work capacity of the heart. The main effects of coenzyme Q10 on the myocardium are to promote cellular oxidative phosphorylation, improve myocardial energy metabolism, and reduce ischemic damage to the myocardium. It can increase the blood output of the heart, improve the chronic congestion state and anti-arrhythmia, etc., which can protect the myocardium, improve cardiac function, and provide enough energy for the myocardium.


    Clinical studies have shown that more than 75% of patients with heart disease experience significant improvement in their condition after taking Coenzyme Q10. Coenzyme Q10 is a metabolic activator that activates cellular respiration, providing sufficient oxygen and energy to cardiomyocytes and brain cells to keep them in good health, thus preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events.


    Regulation of Blood Lipids

    Lipid-lowering drug statins will block the body's autonomous synthesis of coenzyme Q10 while lowering blood lipids. Therefore, people with high blood fat must take coenzyme Q10 when taking statin drugs to better play the role of lipid-lowering. Coenzyme Q10 can reduce the harmful LDL content, prevent LDL from penetrating deep into the endothelial cell gap through the endothelial cells, reduce the formation of lipids in the inner wall of the arteries, and prevent lipids from forming atherosclerotic plaques in the inner lining of the blood vessels, as well as improve the activity of high-density lipoproteins, and timely removal of garbage, toxins and plaques formed in the inner wall of the blood vessels, regulating blood lipids and preventing atherosclerosis formation.


    In Pharmaceutical:

    Coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinol) is also widely used in the field of medicine, where it is used to treat a variety of diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases. Studies have shown that Coenzyme Q10 can help improve heart health, reduce fatigue, and boost immunity.


    Currently, the coenzyme Q10-based pharmaceutical preparations approved for marketing in China are tablets, capsules, soft capsules, injections, etc., which are prescription drugs. The specifications of coenzyme Q10 solid preparations (tablets, capsules, soft capsules) are mainly 5mg, 10mg, and 15mg, which can be used for the adjuvant treatment of cardiovascular diseases (e.g., viral myocarditis, chronic cardiac insufficiency, etc.), hepatitis (e.g., viral hepatitis, subacute hepatitis of severe type, chronic active hepatitis, etc.), and the comprehensive treatment of cancer (to alleviate certain adverse reactions induced by radiotherapy, chemotherapy, etc.). (to alleviate certain adverse reactions caused by radiotherapy, chemotherapy, etc.).


    In Cosmetics:

    The strong antioxidant effect of Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone) has led to its increasing attention in the cosmetic market. If added to creams, it can remove free radicals in the surface skin cells, making the skin less wrinkled and appear smoother and more delicate; in the deeper skin cells, it can maintain the skin's elasticity. In addition, Coenzyme Q10 can also be used in the care of hair, nails, mouth and so on.


    In the Food Field:

    Coenzyme Q10 powder is also added to certain foods such as nutritional supplements, beverages, breads, and candies to increase their nutritional value. It is also used to improve the antioxidant properties of foods, which helps prevent spoilage and decay.

  • Восстановленный коэнзим Q10 (Ubiquinol) порошковый кас 992-78-9 COA

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