Lycopene Powder

Ликопен порошок

Название: ликопен порошок

Спецификация :5%,10%,20%

Метод испытания :HPLC

Внешний вид: тонко течет глубокий красный порошок

Остатки пестицидов: соответствуют стандарту No 396/2005 (EC)

  • 3. Описание
  • Спецификация данных
  • Свидетельство о допущении
  • Что такое ликопен порошок?

    Ликопен — липофильный красно-каротеноидный пигмент, встречающийся в основном в созревших плодах помидоров семейства соланакиевых. Ликопен-это натуральный пигмент, содержащийся в растениях красного цвета, который может использоваться в качестве натуральной пищевой добавки. Это Один из сильнейших антиоксидантов, встречающихся в природе до сих пор, и его свободный радикальный эффект падеж гораздо выше, чем у других каротеноидов и витамина е. ликопен порошок может эффективно предотвращать и контролировать различные заболевания, вызванные старением и иммунитетом, и он широко используется в области продовольствия, медицинских продуктов и так далее.


    Ликопленовый порошок, поставляемый по технологии "зеленый источник", в основном производится путем микробной ферментации. Технологическая технология является научно передовой, зрелой и надежной, делая ликопеновый порошок с высокой чистотой, без остатков растворителей, пестицидных остатков, зеленого, безопасного, короткого производственного цикла и низкой стоимости сырья.

    Green Spring стремится обеспечить клиентов натуральными, безопасными и органическими растительными экстрактами. Мы осуществляем строгий внутренний контроль качества, строго внедряем систему управления качеством и организуем производство по стандартам ISO, HACCP и другим стандартам качества. Все продукты отслеживаются, и каждый продукт от источника до готового продукта имеет подробные испытания и производственные отчеты, чтобы гарантировать, что каждое звено производственного процесса может контролироваться и исследоваться. Мы прошли халал, кошер, космос, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO и многие другие сертификации. Мы можем предоставить авторитетные отчеты третьих сторон об испытаниях.


    Технические характеристики: 

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    Ликопен порошок



    3. Анализ


    Метод испытания


    Внешний вид

    Тонкий красный порошок

    Остатки пестицидов

    Соответствует стандарту (ес) No 396/2005


    Он соответствует правилам ес.

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    Antioxidant Properties

    Lycopene can burst mono-linear oxygen or capture peroxyl radicals physically and chemically. Single-linear oxygen is a highly reactive oxygen radical with cytotoxic effects, to which the cell membrane, mitochondria, and other parts of the cell are the most sensitive, and can interact with a variety of biological macromolecules in the cell, causing damage to the cell membrane system by binding with the molecules; lycopene is able to accept the energy of different electronically excited states, absorbing light energy and through the process of single-linear - single-linear energy transfer to make the energy of single-linear oxygen to lycopene. The significance of monolinear oxygen is transferred to lycopene, generating basal oxygen molecules and triplet lycopene molecules, which are regenerated through a series of spinning and vibrational reactions with solvents, and in the process emit energy.


    Improves Immunity

    Lycopene, as an antioxidant, significantly reduces oxidative damage to lymphocyte DNA caused by peroxidation in the body. Monolinear oxygen and free radicals are the most important causes of human aging and are also related to the body's immune ability. Lycopene protects phagocytes from their own oxidative damage, promotes the proliferation of T and B lymphocytes, stimulates the function of effector T-cells, enhances the ability of macrophages and T-cells to kill tumor cells, reduces oxidative damage to lymphocyte DNA, as well as promotes the production of certain interleukins. Experiments have shown that DNA damage can be reduced when lymphocytes are treated with hydrogen peroxide in vitro in people who ingest tomatoes.


    Protects the Skin

    The antioxidant effect of lycopene can effectively inhibit oxidative damage to lipids, proteins, enzymes and DNA. For example, lycopene protects the skin from ultraviolet light damage. When the skin is exposed to ultraviolet light, the lycopene in the skin can preferentially combine with free radicals, thus protecting the tissues and cells in the skin from damage due to oxidation.


    Cardiovascular Protection

    Some researchers pointed out that lycopene can protect LDL from oxidative damage to regulate the metabolism of cholesterol, and thus may prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular disease. Dutch scholars of myocardial infarction patients in subcutaneous fat carotenoid content measurement found that the patient's lycopene content is lower than that of healthy people, and β-carotene content than the normal human body is also significantly lower, indicating that these kinds of carotenoids are closely related to the occurrence of the disease.


    Regulation of Cell Growth and Metabolism

    Lycopene has been shown to inhibit tumor growth by inducing intercellular junctions, enhancing GJIC between normal cells, controlling cell growth, and inducing cell differentiation.



    In the Food and Beverage Field:

    In the food and beverage industry, lycopene has been approved as a "novel food" in Europe and GRAS (usually considered safe) in the United States, with non-alcoholic beverages being the most popular. According to Global New Products Database (GNPD) data, there are 20 new products that have added Lycopene: 7 in the fields of bread, breakfast cereal, etc; 7 species in the field of processed meat, fish, and eggs; 7 types in the field of dairy products; 6 types in the field of chocolate and candy; 5 types of sauces and seasonings; There are 5 types of desserts and ice cream. Chinese patent 200810017681 introduces an application method of lycopene in dairy products, which not only maintains the nutrition of dairy products but also enriches their health functions.


    For Health Products:

    Global New Products Database (GNPD) data shows that there are 177 new products containing lycopene supplements worldwide. Lycopene powder is mainly used in the field of healthcare products for antioxidants, delaying aging, enhancing immunity, regulating blood lipids and so on.


    In Cosmetics:

    Data from the Global New Products Database (GNPD) show that there are 81 new products containing lycopene in skin care and 51 in color cosmetics. Typical products such as lycopene moisturizing lotion have whitening and anti-aging effects. Domestic products include Lycopene Whitening Essence Applicator, which has antioxidant, anti-allergy, and whitening effects.

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