Green Tea Leaf
Green Tea Extract 40% L Theanine Powder

Экстракт зеленого чая 40% л порошка теанина

Источник: лист зеленого чая

Активные ингредиенты: l-теанин

Спецификация :40%

Метод испытания :HPLC

Внешний вид: коричневый мелкий порошок

Остатки пестицидов: соответствуют стандарту No 396/2005 (EC)

  • 3. Описание
  • Спецификация данных
  • Свидетельство о допущении

  • Что такое экстракт зеленого чая L Theanine Powder?

    L- теанин является характерной аминокислотой чая, при этом химическая формула C7H14N2O3 составляет 1-2% по весу в сухом чае. Д-теанин (L-theanine) был впервые изолирован от зеленого чая в 1950 году. При наличии более 20 видов аминокислот в чае на долю теанина приходится около 50% - 60% общего количества аминокислот в чае; Было установлено, что, за исключением наличия следов теанина в сливах чая, грибах, масляном чае и других растениях, теанин еще не был обнаружен в других растениях. Теанин представляет собой амид, химически называемый n-этил-л-глутамин.


    Натуральный теанин l-типа, кристаллы чистого белого типа иглы, температура плавления 217 ° C ~ 218 ° C, специфический оптический угол [α] D20 = 0,7 °, чрезвычайно растворимый в воде, нерастворимый в этаноле и органических растворителях, таких как эфир, водный раствор слегка кислотный, с карамельным ароматом и похож на MSG свежий и хрустящий вкус, порог вкуса 0,06%.


    Технология «зеленый источник» поставляется естественным путемЭкстракт зеленого чая40% от общего числа л порошка теанина, который производится с использованием передовых мембранного разделения и мембранного концентрационного оборудования, с ароматом натурального зеленого чая, хорошего цвета, уточненный раствор после растворимости в воде, без осадков, подходит для добавления напитков.


    Основанная в 2000 году, Green Spring Technology является ведущей биотехнологической компанией в китае, занимающейся исследованиями и разработками по поставке натуральных, безопасных и органических растительных экстрактов. Мы производим продукцию в соответствии со стандартами ISO, HACCP и другими стандартами качества и соблюдаем стандарты ес EC396, ес 2023/915, а также самые высокие стандарты на остатки растворителей. Компания Greenspring имеет 7 сертификатов, 7 патентов и была награждена халальными, кошерными, космическими, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO и многими другими сертификатами. Имеются авторитетные протоколы испытаний третьих сторон.

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    3. Технические требования


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    Внешний вид

    Коричневый мелкий порошок

    Остатки пестицидов

    Соответствует стандарту (ес) No 396/2005


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    Sedative Function

    Tea contains more caffeine with a stimulating effect, but people feel calm and relaxed when drinking tea, not like drinking coffee is excited and hyperactive. In addition to the caffeine and other substances complex, its absorption is slow, which is mainly the theanine sedative effect. Research has proved that theanine has an antagonistic effect on caffeine excitement, when the amount of theanine up to 1740 mg/kg, can significantly inhibit caffeine-induced excitation of the nervous system. Recently, some scholars have used electroencephalograph evaluation method to further determine that theanine and caffeine in almost the same molar concentration, caffeine stimulation can be antagonistic.


    Lowering Blood Pressure

    The regulation of blood pressure is achieved mainly through the increase or decrease of catecholamines and 5-hydroxytryptamine in the central and unperipheral nervous system. The administration of murine theanine can reduce the level of 5-hydroxytryptamine, resulting in a 5-hydroxytryptamine. synthesis in the brain is reduced as well as increasing its breakdown in the brain. When spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) were given different doses of theanine blood pressure decreased in a dose-reflective relationship, with a significant decrease in blood pressure observed in the high-dose group. However, even the highest dose of theanine (2000 MG/KG) did not change the blood pressure of WISTAR rats. Glutamic acid, which is structurally similar to theanine, was not found to have a blood pressure-lowering effect.


    Affecting Neurotransmitters Changes in the Brain

    Dopamine (DA), known in English as dopamine, is a central neurotransmitter that makes people excited and happy. Theanine causes a significant increase in the mitochondrial neurotransmitter dopamine in brain cells, which is the precursor of adrenaline and noradrenaline, and is an important substance for conveying the level of excitement of nerve cells in the brain, and its release greatly affects a person's mood. Changes in neurotransmitters also affect learning ability, memory, and so on. After taking theanine for 3-4 months, rats have improved learning ability, can grasp the essentials in a shorter period, and have a stronger memory for dangerous environments than the control group. Therefore, theanine can also improve learning ability and memory by regulating neurotransmitters.


    Enhances Immunity

    According to research in the United States, tea can enhance resistance, which may be related to theanine. Professor Jack Bukowski's research group at Harvard Medical School, through tests on volunteers, proved that theanine can enhance the human immune system by regulating gamma-delta T immune cells and resist the invasion of disease-causing microorganisms, such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi, and it can even increase the body's resistance to prevent diseases by five times. Scientists predict that theanine may one day be used to develop disease-fighting drugs.


    In the Food Field:

    Theanine is easily soluble in water and can be added to baked and frozen snacks, etc. Research has confirmed that it can be added to sweets and various beverages to obtain a good calming effect; it can be added to food as a functional ingredient to develop functional food to relieve nervousness and benefit the brain. Research has confirmed that theanine can be added to sweets and various beverages to obtain a good sedative effect. In Japan, theanine has been widely used in chocolates, jellies, puddings, chewing gums, health teas, and various refreshing drinks.


    Theanine is the main component of the fresh and refreshing taste of tea, theanine can interact with sugar to form volatile aroma components, but also can alleviate the bitterness of caffeine and the bitter and astringent flavour of tea polyphenols, adding a certain amount of theanine in the production of tea beverages can significantly improve the quality and flavour of tea beverages. Theanine can not only be used as a modifier of the flavour of green tea but can also inhibit the bitter and spicy flavour in other foods. For example, cocoa drinks and wheat tea have a unique bitter or spicy taste, adding sweeteners will have an unpleasant taste, such as 0.1 % of L-theanine instead of sweeteners, the results show that the beverage flavour greatly improved.

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