Экстракт плодов эльдерберри 25% антоцианидин
Источник :Sambucus Nigra L.
Активные ингредиенты: антоцианин
Анализ: антоцианидин :5%,25%;
Метод испытания: уф
Внешний вид: темно-фиолетовый мелкий порошок
Остатки пестицидов: соответствуют стандарту No 396/2005 (EC)
- 3. Описание
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Что такое экстракт эльдерберри?
Экстракт Elderberry Fru — активный ингредиент, получаемый путем экстракции плодов Elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) рода Sambucus, семейства Lonicera. Основными активными ингредиентами являются антоцианины (cornflower-3-glucoside, cornflower-3-sambubioside, cornflower-3-glucoside, гераний -3-glucoside, cornflower-3-rutinoside), полифенолы и флавоноиды (хлорогенная кислота, rutin, quercetin, quercetin-glucoside, quercetin-galactoside) и другие ингредиенты (полисахариды). , витамин а, витамин с, витамин в1, витамин в2, 16 аминокислот и т.д.; Экстракт эльдерберри был использован в медицинских продуктах, пищевых продуктах и напитках из-за его хорошего ингибиторного эффекта вируса.
Принадлежности и материалы Greenspring TechnologyЭкстракт плодов эльдерберри 25% антоцианидин, высокая чистота, полностью растворимые в воде, без примесей.
Основан в 2000 году Spring Technology является ведущей биотехнологической компанией в китае, основанной на исследованиях и разработках, и стремится к разработке высококачественных, высокоактивных ботанических продуктов. Наша продукция производится в соответствии с самыми высокими международными отраслевыми стандартами, соответствующими стандартам ес EC396, ес 2023/915 и самым высоким стандартам остаточного растворителя. - зеленый цвет Весна имеет системную систему управления качеством, организуя производство в строгом соответствии со стандартами ISO, HACCP и другими стандартами качества. Она сертифицирована Halal, Kosher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO и многими другими сертификатами.
Технические характеристики:
Название продукта
Экстракт плодов эльдерберри
Название на латинском языке
Самбукус нигра л.
Источник: http://www.
- плоды эльдерберри
Активные ингредиенты
Антоцианин (антоцианин)
3. Технические требования
Метод испытания
Уф-излучения (UV)
Внешний вид
Темный фиолетовый мелкий порошок
Остатки пестицидов
Соответствует стандарту (ес) No 396/2005
Он соответствует правилам ес.
Хочешь услышать цитату?Benefits:
Cold and Flu Prevention
Elderberry fruit extract is rich in anthocyanins, vitamins, and other high antioxidants. There are many total anthocyanins, the most abundant of which is cornflower, which binds to ceramidase (this enzyme is a surface glycoprotein of the influenza virus) and inhibits the activity of the virus, so that there is no way for the virus to invade healthy cells, reducing the risk of infection. At the same time, elderberry activates key immune cells and enhances the secretion of immune factor molecules in the body.
In cellular experiments using elderberry against two influenza viruses, researchers found that inoculation of the viruses with a 1:100 solution of elderberry fruit extract (3.2%) for 48 hours resulted in 25-30% inhibition of both viruses. The study suggests that components of the elderberry bind to the neuraminidase active site of the viruses, preventing their release.
Elderberries are rich in phytoflavonoids, which are good antioxidants for the human body, with an antioxidant capacity 20 times that of VC and 50 times that of VE, helping to eliminate the body's free radicals and preventing damage to the body's cells. It accelerates the skin's ability to recover in the face of oxidative stress, boosting the skin's defenses and immunity; while firming the skin, maintaining firmness, and slowing the growth of wrinkles.
Boosts the Immune System
Elderberry has been used in folk medicine for centuries to treat flu, colds, sinusitis, herpes, and more. Israeli scientists Z ZAKAY-RONES selected 60 patients with influenza (18-54 years old), each given 15 ml of elderberry extract, 4 times a day, the results found that taking elderberry syrup group of patients, aches and pains, better sleep quality, nasal congestion symptoms reduce the amount of mucus discharge from the respiratory tract to reduce the amount of mucus and so on, confirming that the elderberry has a better resistance to influenza function.
German scientist Christian Krawitz investigated the inhibitory effect of elderberry extract on the activity of clinically derived human respiratory pathogens and influenza A and B viruses. Christian Krawitz used bacterial growth assays to determine the antimicrobial activity of elderberry extract, and also isolated influenza A H5N1 and influenza B viruses from patients with H5N1 and influenza B viruses. pathogenic viruses, and the study of the strains using the MTT method and the focusing method.
Elderberry fruit extract was found to have a killing effect on a variety of respiratory pathogens, which was most pronounced at a concentration of 10%; Elderberry (at a concentration of 3.2%) had a better inhibitory effect on viruses, and the number of viruses in the right side of the medium with added elderberry was significantly less than that in the intermediate control group; Elderberry (at a concentration of 3.2%) reduced the growth of influenza A viruses (influenza A H5N1) by 30%, and could reduce the growth of influenza B virus (H5N1) by 30% and influenza B virus (H5N1) by 25%. This series of studies confirms that elderberry extract does have antiviral and immunity-boosting effects.
For Health Products:
Elderberry fruit extract is rich in bioflavonoids, anthocyanins, vitamins, and other high antioxidant capacity substances, which contain complex bioflavonoids such as cornflower, delphinidin, quercetin, etc., which have been proven to be the effective active ingredients, with antiviral and immunity-enhancing effects. Juice and syrup products made from elderberry extract are very popular in the West, they are commonly used to treat influenza and its causes such as sore throat, cough, and other upper respiratory tract infections.
Экстракт плодов эльдерберри 25% антоцианидин COA