 Echinacea Extract Powder

Эхинацея экстракт порошка 4% цикоровой кислоты

Источник: наземная часть эхинацеи

Латинское название :Echinacea purpurea (Linn.)

Активные ингредиенты: цикориновая кислота

Спецификация: 5%

Метод испытания :HPLC

Внешний вид: коричнево-желтый мелкий порошок

Остатки пестицидов: соответствуют стандарту No 396/2005 (EC)

  • 3. Описание
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  • Что такое экстракт порошка Echinacea?

    Экстракт порошка эхинацея — активный ингредиент, извлеченный из стеблей, листьев и корней эхинацея пурпуреа, семейства астероидов, в виде прекрасного желтоватого или желто-зеленого порошка. Его основными активными ингредиентами являются фенолические соединения, такие как эхинакозид, вербаскозид, цичорная кислота, кафферная кислота, хлоргенная кислота, изохлоргенная кислота и т.д. Он также содержит различные алкиламины, флавоноиды, полисахариды и небольшое количество летучего масла. Он также содержит различные алкиламины, флавоноиды, полисахариды и небольшое количество летучего масла.


    Технология Green Spring обеспечивает эхинацею экстракт порошка с 4% от общего числа цикоровой кислотой, которая является стабильной, с хорошей растворимостью, сохраняя первоначальный вкус и цвет сырья. Его остатки растворителей, тяжелых металлов и пестицидов соответствуют стандартам ес.


    Основанная в 2000 году, Green Spring является ведущим производителем экстрактов растений в китае. «Зеленая весна» имеет системную систему управления качеством и организует производство в соответствии со стандартами ISO, HACCP и другими стандартами качества. Все продукты соответствуют самым высоким международным промышленным стандартам, соответствующим стандартам ес EC396, ес 2023/915 и самым высоким стандартам на остатки растворителей.

    Технические характеристики: 

    Название продукта

    Экстракт эхинацеи

    Название на латинском языке

    Эхинацея пурпуреа (Linn.)

    Источник: http://www.

    Эхинацея на поверхности

    Активные ингредиенты

    Цикориновая кислота

    3. Технические требования


    Метод испытания


    Внешний вид

    Коричнево-желтый мелкий порошок

    Остатки пестицидов

    Соответствует стандарту (ес) No 396/2005


    Он соответствует правилам ес.

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    Isoxylan and arabinose in Echinacea extract can stimulate the proliferation of mononuclear lymphocytes and the activity of macrophages so that the phagocytosis function of macrophages increases significantly. Echinacea extract has an immunostimulatory effect, which can enhance the body's non-specific and specific immune function, and its immunomodulatory effect is closely related to the enhancement of macrophage and lymphocyte function, and the stimulation of cytokine and antibody production.



    Polysaccharides in Echinacea extract were found to significantly inhibit the secretion and mRNA expression of TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-1β. Echinacea polysaccharides may exert anti-inflammatory effects by inhibiting the activation of NF-κB. Caffeic acid could inhibit the inflammatory response induced by LPS in macrophages, and the intracellular expression of related kinases detected by protein blotting assay revealed that the expression of P38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and NF-κB was reduced.


    Echinacea extracts caffeic acid inhibits chronic inflammatory responses induced by glycosylation end-products AGEs through inhibition of the ROS/MAPK/NF-κB signalling pathway. Alkanamide, the most common lipophilic compound among the active ingredients of Echinacea, regulates the expression of TNF-α mRNA in human macrophages and monocytes via cannabinoid 2 (CB2) receptors, and also inhibits LPS-stimulated TNF-α expression, inhibits cyclooxygenase, blocks prostaglandin synthesis, and reduces the effects of pain, fever, and inflammation. The volatile oil component of Echinacea root has an anthelmintic effect. Echinacea extract can inhibit the proliferation of parasites in the body, and can better control the inflammation caused by parasitic infection.



    Echinacea extracts have immunomodulatory and antiviral interventions that effectively reduce the risk of respiratory infections and their complications. Echinacea preparations can completely or partially reverse viruses such as herpes simplex virus, influenza A virus, adenovirus types 3 and 11, reduce the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and possibly alleviate other respiratory diseases. There is now experimental evidence that Echinacea can modulate multiple signalling pathways for different cellular receptors (ICAM-1 and LDL) as well as transcription factors, reducing the secretion of pro-inflammatory factors.


    In rhinovirus-infected human bronchial and lung epithelial cells, Echinacea can inhibit the expression and secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines such as IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α. Echinacea extract can not only inhibit virus-induced colds, but also effectively prevent recurrent infections, and can be recommended as a preventive medicine for the common cold. A large number of studies have been reported on Echinacea for the prevention or treatment of the common cold, and these studies have been rigorously summarised.


    In Pharmaceutical:

    Echinacea extract has been used in medicine for many years. It has immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and can be used to assist in the treatment of colds, flu and respiratory infections. For example, Echinacea extract has been recognized as an important traditional herbal medicine in Europe and the United States and is often used to treat colds and other respiratory ailments.


    In Cosmetics:

    The echinacea extract chicoric acid is often used as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent in cosmetics. It can penetrate the deeper layers of the skin, scavenging free radicals and improving dullness and aging. In addition, chicoric acid can inhibit inflammatory reactions and relieve symptoms such as skin sensitivity and redness. Due to its good water solubility and stability, chicoric acid is also favored in the cosmetic ingredients market.


    For Health Products:

    Echinacea extract and its preparations are an immune booster and immunomodulator generally valued in Europe and the United States. Echinacea is one of the very few phytopharmaceuticals found in the world to date that has both immune-enhancing and anti-inflammatory effects, with a wide therapeutic range and stable efficacy. Chicoric acid is an important class of active ingredients in Echinacea, with strong free radical scavenging ability and antioxidant activity, as well as anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-HIV virus and immune-enhancing properties.

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