Calcium Pyruvate Powder Bulk

Кальциевый пироватный порошок

Название продукта: кальций пироватный порошок

Проверка: 99.00%

Метод испытания: усталость

Внешний вид: немного желтый или бело-кристаллический порошок

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  • Что такое кальциевый пироватный порошок?


    Кальциевая пирувация входит в состав кальциевой соли пировиновой кислоты, очень стабильного белого кристаллического порошка. Пировичковая кислота является промежуточным продуктом в процессе сахарного метаболизма в организме, а также необходимой передаточной станцией для метаболизма белков и липидов. Он легко растворяется в воде, и в дополнение к типичным свойствам гидроксилкислот и кетонов, он также имеет свойства а-кетокислот, а пируватор является простейшей а-кетокислотой (которая относится к гидроксилкислотам). Кальция Pyruvate — пищевая добавка, состоящая из пировиновой кислоты, смешанной с кальцием. Поскольку тело производит пирувацию и помогает преобразовывать сахар и крахмаль в энергию, пирувация кальция способствует укреплению метаболизма и повышению скорости его производства. В дополнение к тому, что вы чувствуете себя более энергичным, он также может помочь с потерей веса в сочетании с правильного питания и физических упражнений.


    - зеленый цвет Технология Spring поставляет пищевые и промышленные кальциевые пироваты с высокой чистотой и без примесей, которые широко используются в качестве сырья для фармацевтических препаратов и пищевых добавок.

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    Кальциевый пироватный порошок



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    Воспитанники (76%)

    Метод испытания

    3. Усталость

    Внешний вид

    Слегка желтый или бело-кристаллический порошок


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    Weight Loss

    When calcium pyruvate enters the body, it is first replaced by stomach acid with pyruvate. Pyruvate is a normal intermediate product of sugar metabolism in the human body, which can rapidly pass through the biological membrane for the cells to utilize, and eventually reach the mitochondria. Mitochondria is the main place of energy production in the cell, pyruvate can promote the mitochondrial tricarboxylic acid cycle, which is similar to increasing the body's activity, on the one hand, the consumption of glycogen in the body, to avoid the transformation of high blood glucose into fat storage; on the other hand, to accelerate the oxidative combustion of fat to supply energy, so as to prevent the accumulation of fat, and to play a weight loss effect.


    Calcium Supplements

    Calcium pyruvate is also a calcium supplement. Although its calcium content is less than 20%, but into the body unlike other calcium supplements acid ions will increase the burden on the liver and kidneys, side effects, pyruvate ions can enter the cells to participate in the metabolism of organic matter not only to lose weight but also does not affect the storage of protein.


    Improve the Blood Supply Function of the Myocardium

    Pyruvate can directly act on cell mitochondria, providing timely energy for myocardial activity, improving myocardial pumping capacity, and thus extending the lifespan of the heart; Pyruvate protects mammalian cardiomyocytes from damage by effectively preventing the inhibition of myocardial phosphocreatine kinase activity by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2); Pyruvate also prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases by reducing blood cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein.


    Increased Endurance

    Dr Ronald Steinke of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Research Centre, USA, first had volunteers undergo an exercise endurance test before undergoing a trial, and then had them take calcium pyruvate for seven consecutive days, which was shown to increase the subjects' endurance.



    Studies have confirmed that pyruvic acid has a scavenging effect on hydrogen peroxide (H2O2); it can also inhibit the generation of free radicals and react directly with oxygen radicals to generate water and carbon dioxide, which has the effect of preventing free radicals from damaging the body; it can also slow down the rate of decline in the enzyme activities of glutathione reductase, superoxide dismutase, and catalase, which has the effects of antioxidant and anti-aging.


    In the Food Field:

    Calcium pyruvate is used as a dietary supplement to accelerate fat consumption, reduce body weight, and enhance human endurance. The main role of calcium pyruvate powder in food is as a souring agent, fermentation agent, and preservation agent. It can increase the sourness of food and improve the taste of food. At the same time, it can promote the fermentation process of foods, making them fluffier and easier to digest and absorb. In addition, calcium pyruvate can kill bacteria in food, thus serving as a preservative.


    In Pharmaceutical:

    Pyruvate and the salts it produces have a wide range of applications in the pharmaceutical field for the production of sedatives, antioxidants, antiviral agents, and the synthesis of drugs for the treatment of high blood pressure. Calcium pyruvate is used in the synthesis of amino acids (substrates for L-tyrosine), etc., which improves efficiency and shortens and simplifies processes, especially in the pharmaceutical industry.


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