Beta Carotene Oil for Skin

10% бета каротин масло для кожи

Название продукта :10% бета каротин масло для кожи

Анализ :10%

Метод испытания :HPLC

Внешний вид: темно-красный до красно-коричневой жидкости

Остатки пестицидов: соответствуют стандарту No 396/2005 (EC)

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  • Что такое бета каротин масла - для кожи?

    Бета-каротин масло темно-красного или красно-коричневого вязкой жидкостью, как правило, производится путем равномерного подвешивания бета-каротин в растительном масле и с использованием витамина е в качестве агента. Он чувствителен к свету, воздуху, теплу и влаге. Растворимость 10% от общего числа бета каротин масло для ухода за кожей является нефтерастворимым продуктом. Его стандартная подготовка запасов производится путем добавления каротина в слегка подогреваемое растительное масло и обеспечения его надлежащего перемешивания.


    Технология Green Spring обеспечивает 10% бета-каротинового масла для кожи с хорошей способностью к расходованию, без пластификатора и без остатков растворителя. - зеленый цвет Компания Spring всегда стремилась обеспечить клиентов натуральными, безопасными и органическими растительными экстрактами. Вся поставляемая нами продукция производится в соответствии с самыми высокими международными стандартами, такими как европейский союз EC396, европейская фармакопея, США фармакопея, Япония фармакопея и другие международные стандарты. Зеленый источник прошел халал, кошер, космос, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO и многие другие сертификации. Имеются авторитетные протоколы испытаний третьих сторон.

    Технические характеристики:


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    10% бета каротин масла



    3. Анализ


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    Темно-красный до красно-коричневой жидкости

    Остатки пестицидов

    Соответствует стандарту (ес) No 396/2005


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    Enhance the Body Immunity of Animals

    Beta carotene can improve the humoral immunity, cellular immunity, and non-specific immune function of the animal organism, and enhance the disease resistance. Adding beta carotene oil to the ration can increase serum lysozyme activity. Some studies have found that beta -carotene stimulates the proliferation of lymphocytes in the animal organism and enhances cell-mediated humoral immune response, which has a positive effect on the immune response. The addition of β-carotene oil to dairy cattle rations was found to reduce the incidence of foetal clothing failure, uterine inflammation, and mastitis in the first three months after giving birth. Supplementation of poultry with beta carotene oil promotes growth and improves immunity.


    The addition of beta carotene oil to mouse diets was found to alleviate the immunosuppressive effects induced by cyclophosphamide. It also enhances immune function in immunosuppressed mice by increasing cytokine and immunoglobulin levels. Feeding dried carrots to black cows was found to increase IgA and IgG concentrations in the colostrum of β-carotene deficient cows. An increase in serum retinol concentration to 100 ng/mL in the last week before calving was associated with a 60% reduction in the incidence of mastitis in early lactation. However, serum β-carotene concentrations were not associated with poor foetal coat or mastitis. The results of a large number of trials have demonstrated that the addition of beta carotene plays a positive role in the development of the animal's immune function.


    Improves Animal Fertility

    Studies have shown that beta-carotene deficiency may lead to an increased incidence of delayed ovulation, luteal insufficiency, and ovarian cysts in dairy cows. Currently, scholars have conducted numerous studies on adjusting dairy cow ration nutrition to improve fertility. The benefits of beta carotene oil supplementation in dairy cow rations on reproductive performance may be related to the conversion of β-carotene to vitamin A, especially in the uterus and ovaries.


    Serum β-carotene concentrations are associated with progesterone secretion by luteal cells. Average serum beta carotene concentrations were higher in cows that ovulated during the first post-partum wave period than in those that did not ovulate during the 3 weeks before parturition. The addition of beta carotene oil during the pre-partum period significantly increased the number of cows ovulating in the first post-partum wave. Postpartum supplementation with β-carotene above a certain amount increased pregnancy rates.


    Researchers in the USA and Germany have found that beta carotene oil supplementation shortens the age at first heat and increases pregnancy rates. It promotes uterine repair and ovulation and reduces the incidence of ovarian cysts and early embryo death. Beta carotene's important role in reproduction has been studied extensively in Japan, where it was found that serum carotene concentrations were significantly lower in cows with ovarian cysts than in healthy cows.


    Serum β-carotene concentration was correlated with embryo quality in superovulated Japanese black cows. When serum beta carotene concentration was higher than 200 μg/dL, there was a tendency to increase the number of corpus luteum and total retrievable embryos and to significantly increase the number of normal transferable embryos. The addition of beta carotene oil to other animals also improved fertility.


    Supplementation with vitamin A and β-carotene was found to increase beta carotene levels in the adrenal gland and corpus luteum of sows. Beta carotene also enhances rumen function, and the addition of β-carotene in vitro significantly increased rumen bacterial growth and fiber digestion. In vitro, the addition of β-carotene significantly increased rumen bacterial growth and fiber digestion.



    In the Food Field:

    Beta-carotene oil has good colouring properties, the colouring range is yellow, orange-red, strong colouring power, stable and uniform colour, and can co-exist with K, Zn, Ca and other elements without discolouration, especially suitable for children's food. Beta-carotene oil can also be used for colouring the sugar coating of tablets, the colour and stability are better than the lemon yellow and carmine red compound colour sugar coating method. beta-carotene has been included in the national standard of the People's Republic of China as a colouring agent (food additives use of hygiene standards GB-2760-96).


    Beta carotene oil is applied to the food industry as an edible oil-soluble pigment whose color can cover all shades from red to yellow depending on the concentration. It is very suitable for the development of oil-based products and protein-based products such as an edible orange pigment and nutritional enhancers, such as margarine, capsules, fish paste condensed products, vegetarian products, and the coloring of instant noodles. The microencapsulated beta-carotene can be converted into water-soluble pigment, which can be applied to almost all food products.


    For Health Products:

    Beta carotene oil is widely used as a nutrient fortification ingredient in health foods. Like other carotenoids, it is an antioxidant. Consuming foods rich in beta-carotene in prevents the body from being exposed to a destructive molecule known as free radicals, which can cause damage to cells through the process of oxidation.

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